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Who's Responsiblity Is It To Sort Out Bedlington?


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I know- I remember at West end first school when I was a bairn us getting asked what we wanted in Bedlington n we said swimming pool/leisure centre back then!! there are a lot of people who have lived here all their lives and they are sick of us having nowt, never mind those that haven't lived here long! we got no shops, no leisure facilities, no nowt - and the little bits we've had and cling on to are being taken away from us! Everyone who lives here has had enough by the looks of things, but who's going to do owt about it? our voices don't seem to count! :angry:

VOICES not at the min however VOTES do count :) its just who gets them :blink: I got a leaflet shoved through my door from a Labour man who was lambasting the Liberals another half wit who seems to think there are NO PRINTERS in this constituancy........ yes proudly printed on the back printed in NORTH TYNESIDE what an idiot :angry: yet he wants no job losses in this area nice to see him doing his bit to help us (not) :angry: I bet he even shops in Blyth :lol: will that lot never learn

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VOICES not at the min however VOTES do count :) its just who gets them :blink: I got a leaflet shoved through my door from a Labour man who was lambasting the Liberals another half wit who seems to think there are NO PRINTERS in this constituancy........ yes proudly printed on the back printed in NORTH TYNESIDE what an idiot :angry: yet he wants no job losses in this area nice to see him doing his bit to help us (not) :angry: I bet he even shops in Blyth :lol: will that lot never learn

You noticed that too then? The independent candidate is using a printer in Hexham. Not the brightest.

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You noticed that too then? The independent candidate is using a printer in Hexham. Not the brightest.

To be honest its a "thing" of mine after noticing it about a "FORMER" yes man lab councilor who made a mistake of knocking on my door :angry: I have mentioned it on here a while ago....... after I pointed out to him that his election boast was


And could he explain why his office was in Blyth and why his printing was done yes you,ve guessed it NORTH TYNESIDE :angry: well after he picked up his jaw from the floor he was obviously at sixes and sevens he did,nt actualy give me an answer other than walk away muttering.

He was then spotted half an hour later in the Windmill drinking with the locals in there he obviously had a dream of amalgamating the Station with Cowpen :lol:

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Well... we shouldn't be suprised really!

Bedlington has had it's day and until the economy starts to recover I can't see any way back now!

IF... IF Tesco ever build that store in the marketplace that is the only opportunity our town has to attract more people and therefore more shops/ retailers etc.

We should get behind the Tesco development (First by trying to find out it is happening and when work starts!)


Any ideas or should we call it a day and all move to another town!?

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