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Local plan ‘call’ for development sites in Northumberland

Are there any areas of land near you that you think could be developed to improve your community?

Northumberland County Council is calling for people across the county to put forward sites that they think could be suitable for future development.

As part of producing a new ‘Northumberland Local Plan’ for the whole of the county the council is giving people an opportunity to suggest sites for potential use.

This ‘call for sites’ will help the council to understand where land could exist for a range of possible future purposes and will add to information already held by the planning team.  

Sites which could be used for housing, economic development such as business units, or for mineral extraction, will be particularly welcomed. Those which might be used for retail, leisure or other types of development will also be considered.  

They could include vacant or derelict land and buildings, surplus public sector land, agricultural land, and areas which might present additional opportunities for development within existing settlements.

The county council is preparing a new county-wide local plan.  The new full plan will set out both the strategic and detailed policies that will guide future growth and development across Northumberland over the next 15 to 20 years.  

Councillor John Riddle, cabinet member responsible for planning at Northumberland County Council, said:  “We are preparing a new local plan for Northumberland which will not only set over-arching planning policies for the future but include detailed land allocations for future development.  

“We are therefore calling on communities across the county to come forward with any sites that they think might be suitable for development that will enhance the future of their area and the county as a whole.  

“The council already has a lot of information about sites, but we are extremely keen that this plan meets the aspirations of all residents and communities and so we are inviting everyone to put forward their ideas.

“Once we have gathered all this information and assessed it we will then consult on them widely as part of the local plan.”

Landowners, developers, agents, local residents and other interested parties are asked to put sites forward for consideration by 5pm on Monday 12 March 2018.

The best way to submit information about sites is an online form which can be found at www.northumberland.gov.uk/localplan.  

An accessible form can also be downloaded, completed and returned to the Council and printed copies are being made available in each of the council’s customer information centres across the county.  

After this period of consultation, the council will consider and review all of the information received and use it to inform the process of selecting sites that will be proposed for future development in the plan.

A draft version of the new local plan will be published for public consultation later this year.

View the full article at Northumberland County Council

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