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Malcolm Robinson
The Bedlington Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) is gathering pace. Please see the attached newsletter for an update on building improvements, local heritage, events and things to come.
Also see information for the forthcoming Bedlington Heritage Fair taken place 10 September, between 10am and 3.30pm at the Market Place. Further details to be published.

People living in the Bedlington, Guidepost, Choppington, Stakeford and West Sleekburn areas of South East Northumberland are invited to an on-line meeting with police.
Members of the public can join officers from the local neighbourhood policing team in a virtual gathering on Wednesday, August 17 between 7pm and 9pm.
Bedlington Neighbourhood Sergeant Dave Morrison will host the on-line PACT (Partners and Communities Together) meeting - a first for residents in this part of Northumberland.
The session gives residents the opportunity to post any questions they have about crime and disorder in the area and a response will be provided almost immediately.
Those who log on can also raise any concerns about their area direct to officers from their own home.
Sergeant Morrison said: "I really would urge all members of the community in Bedlington to log on and get involved with the on-line meeting.
"I realise that in these modern times people lead busy lives and may not have the time to attend a meeting in person and that's why these on-line meetings are so accessible. They allow the community to raise their issues from the comfort of their own home.
"I would like to see a wide variety of people getting involved - young people, parents, the elderly and other community groups.
"Taking part in the meeting couldn't be simpler, just log on to the Northumbria Police website and follow the links. I'll respond to every question posted, if you'd prefer your question not to be posted on the public site - just let me know and I'll send you a personal message.
To take is simple - go to www.northumbria.police.uk/on-line and click on the Bedlington on-line meeting link - you can ask questions, raise any concerns or share your points with police and other members of the public who log on. People wanting to participate can also set an email reminder.
Members of the public can also follow what police in Northumberland are doing via Facebook and Twitter.
Search Northumberland Area Command on Facebook or follow @NPNmbland on Twitter for the latest news and information.
Original Article: http://www.northumbr...ls.asp?id=46754

Malcolm Robinson
As part of the Bedlington Townscape Heritage Initiative we are running a small building recording project in Bedlington this summer. This will record some of the town centre buildings that have undergone many changes over time. The history of Bedlington is believed to date back to Saxon times, before the Norman conquest of 1066, and although it's unlikely that this project will uncover anything as old as that, many buildings are likely to contain fabric from centuries past.
There will be a lecture in St Cuthbert's church (Church Lane, Bedlington, Northumberland, NE22 5EL) on Wednesday 10th August, starting at 6pm (finish by 7pm), by Martin Roberts of NEVAG (North East Vernacular Architecture Group and formerly Historic Buildings Inspector for English Heritage), who will discuss the basics of building recording.
Then, on Saturday 3rd September, with the help of NEVAG, we will spend the day recording at least two of the buildings in the town centre, either: 10 Vulcan Place (Gordon Mackinnon Photography) 15-16 Market Place (former Spend n Save) and 74 Front Street (Tallantyre). This will involve measuring up, studying old documents relating to them and preparing building plans and sketches of their details.
Both events are free. To register your interest, please contact Alex Smith at North of England Civic Trust on 0191 2329279, or email alex.smith@nect.org.uk
Also watch out for details of this years Bedlington Heritage Fair as part of Heritage Open Days. This will take place on Saturday 10th September and be coordinated with activity by St Cuthbert's church and Sustrans. It will build on the success of last years event.

I don't think I know one person who hasn't complained about the state of the NHS, but in Bedlington, we are lucky to be surrounded by such good health care.
My daughter was born February 5th 2011, 6lb 10oz at 35 weeks. She was also born with a rare recessive genetic disorder, Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney disease, meaning her kidneys stopped functioning in utero, therefore making her unable to produce amniotic fluid and as a result, her lungs could not develop. Ellie died at 40 hours old, and the sense of community from Bedlington and Blyth has been phenomenal in helping us to reach our £10,000 target for the RVI. We currently sit at £2,500.
Tiny lives at the RVI provide facilities the NHS can't, including research into Neonatal care, extra equipment, free batteries for cameras and unlimited use of their camera and printing facilities, free tea and coffee, items for the babies, etc. They gave us so much and so now I am making an appeal to you to help us help them.
We will be hosting the first Ellie Forrest Memorial Night at Charlton's in Cambois, July 16th at 7pm. It is child friendly, and fancy dress, though people don't have to dress up if they don't want to! We will be having a kids hour, raffles, karaoke competition, prizes for best costume and some of the prizes donated from local places are fantastic including:
A football signed by Jackie Charlton
A meal for 2 at Charltons
A !*!@# gift set from Boots
A jewellery set worth £60 from Herron's the Jewellers
A Photography session worth £110 from Gordon McKinnon of Bedlington
A tattoo voucher from Geordie Scott
A ticket for a family of 4 for the Alnwick Gardens and Castle
And much more!
Tickets are £3 for adults and £1.50 for kids, please email naomi.c.warburton@hotmail.co.uk and we really hope to see you there!

John White
South Northumberland Radio Group is pleased to announce the award of £9,129 from the Big Lottery Fund.
The cash will help the group pay for broadcasting equipment, licences, IT, marketing and music for its station "˜Synergy' which is to be based at 90 Front Street East, Bedlington.
The award adds to money and fund pledges from several local parish and town councils, voluntary contributions and the former Wansbeck Council.
Said group member John White: "We are absolutely delighted that the Big Lottery Fund sees our initiative as one that will bring major benefits to the community at large. We based our application on a project to provide a genuinely accessible community radio station to serve the population of south east Northumberland.
"Now the work begins in earnest to get the studio up and running and to train volunteers for presenting and producing top rate entertaining programmes and all the other associated technical and administrative tasks.
"I've lived in the area all my life and it's been my long-term ambition to get this project going. I believe that with the help and support of our many well-wishers we can give this part of the world a radio station of which they can be justly proud," he said.

Trinity Youth Association is a registered Childcare and Youth Service provider and was established in Bedlington on 21st April 1986. It now provides services all over Northumberland, but still based at the Oval Community Centre in Bedlington Station.
To help us celebrate our 25 years we are looking for a local photgraphy group or video group to help record a year in the life of the organisation which we can publish on line.
We are also looking for any previous staff and young people - so if you used to work for or come to a Trinity Youth Club please let us know!
Mark & Bob

Andy Millne

Bedlington Heritage Fair

By Andy Millne, in News,

A host of FREE activities and entertainment for children, young people and adults including live music, heritage-skills and craft workshops, face painting, magician, old fashioned games, vintage bus, heritage talk and walk.
Come along and support your new market place -
full programme in attached Flyer
Saturday 11 September 2010
11.00am to 4.00pm
at Bedlington Market Place
Bedlington Heritage Fair flyer.pdf

Andy Millne
Tesco's plans are now available on the planning portal
Follow the link above, choose General Public and when prompted for a postcode enter NE22 and you can see the list of all planning applications in Bedlington including Tesco, who have three.
10/S/00076/FUL - The proposed new store
10/S/00077/FUL - Erection of a temporary store
10/S/00-78/FUL - Demolition of the current store.
A few points:
The new store appears to have twice the floorspace of the old one
There should still be pedestrian access from the car park to Front Street
Tesco are proposing to put a mini roundabout at the Vulcan Place junction

John White

Local MP backs radio project

By John White, in News,

Plans for a community radio station serving South East Northumberland have had a welcome boost from Wansbeck MP Ian Lavery says one of the team behind the scheme, Colin Heathcote.
"As chairman of the South Northumberland Radio Group (SNRG) I met Ian to give him a briefing about the proposed station - to be called Synergy.
He fully supported what we are trying to do saying that a community radio station would be a great asset for the area. He thought it was a "˜very exciting project' and wished us luck in our efforts to raise the £60,000 we need to launch a full-time station.
Our first target is £10,000 to enable us to carry out an initial four-week experimental restricted service licence broadcast from a studio in Bedlington. We have been offered premises for a peppercorn rent but have to meet all the public utility and equipment costs together with the licence and performing rights fees.
We've major funding applications pending & I've also talked to several parish and town councils in the area about our plans and, to date, we've had money and funding pledges from four of them.
As experienced community radio technicians and/or broadcasters, we are committed to providing a genuinely accessible local community radio station. And local interest in what we are trying to do is building: an introductory piece on the www.bedlington.co.uk site about our plans has attracted 1,300 hits.
Prime Minister David Cameron talks about a "˜Big Society' and how he wants people to play a bigger role in the way communities function. We feel that a community radio station could help act as a catalyst to wider involvement by the public in what goes on in their areas.
Our objective is to broadcast professionally produced, entertaining programmes that will include music to suit all ages and tastes, interviews with community representatives and speech based contributions from local organisations. The broadcasts will be available via the FM frequency, and on line. Extensive community information will also be posted on the SNRG website: www.snrgroup.co.uk
The area's principal sources of local information are local newspapers and magazines. The radio station would complement these with a round-the-clock service that could offer immediate and rapid delivery of vital local information.
If anybody is interested in our plans, they can contact john.white@snrgroup.co.uk

Andy Millne
Tri Northumberland are hosting two exciting new events in Newbiggin in July.

Couple Swim Challenge
Starting at 6:30pm the swim will take place in the bay on Friday 23rd July and is expected to be completed by 7:30pm.
Couple Challenge Triathlon
The triathlon will take place on Saturday 24th July at 12.00 noon
with a 1900m Sea Swim over 2 laps, taking competitors in and out of the sea.
The bike will complete a 2 lap course to Amble and round Lynemouth, before
returning to Newbiggin. This will start around 12.30pm and extend until 4.40pm.
Your help in keeping the main street as clear as possible, particularly from
12.30pm tilll 1.00pm, as triathletes leave Newbiggin would be really appreciated.
The run will follow a 4 lap course along the full length of the promenade with the first runners leaving the transition at around 2.45pm. Most runners will finish by 6.00pm and the event should be fully complete by around 7.00pm.
We hope these two events will attract support from visitors as well as the local community.
Come down to the promenade and see what's happening and help to give everyone a great experience.
Tri Couple Lampost Flyer.pdf

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