Neighbouring residents recently applied to have the premises licence reviewed but the pub landlord left of her own accord, and before the application could be considered by the Licensing Committee.
A sign currently on the window of the premises states the grounds for license review as the prevention of crime & disorder, public safety and the prevention of public nuisance.
Bedlington Neighbourhood Sergeant John Heaton said: "We are committed to doing all we can to ensure Bedlington is a safe place to be and the Blue Bell pub has been a thorn in our side for quite some time".
"The levels of crime and disorder associated with the premises were unacceptable and when the community told us that they weren't happy with what was happening in the area we took action."
"The sale of alcohol requires responsible and robust management and if these responsibilities are ignored we will look to work with those involved. However, if this fails we will work with our partners and look to review their licences and if need be revoke them."
"Licensees have a key role to play in their communities, ensuring their premises are responsibly run and preventing crime and anti-social behaviour. As ever, it is a small minority who cause us concern and these are the ones which we, along with our partners, are targeting."