The county council has provided the following guidance to residents whose bin collections have been affected by the extreme winter weather.
Many collections were completed on Monday and Tuesday. If you are one of the small number of properties not collected on either of those days, please put your bin out for collection on your next scheduled collection day.
Unfortunately we were unable to collect on Wednesday or Thursday, and no further collections will be made this week.
If your general rubbish collection was missed on Wednesday 28th February please put this bin out next Wednesday, 7th March, and again on Wednesday 14th March. Your recycling bin will not be emptied and should be put it out for collection on its next scheduled collection day of Wednesday 21st March
If your general rubbish collection was missed on Thursday 1st March please put this bin out next Thursday 8th March and again on Thursday 15th March. Your recycling bin will not be emptied and should be put it out for collection on its next scheduled collection day on Thursday 22nd March.
The county council apologises for any inconvenience that these arrangements may cause, but it has to prioritise the collection of general rubbish so that residents do not have to wait four weeks for a collection of waste that can become unpleasant.
Recycling bins that have been missed this week they should be taken back in, and put out again on your next recycling bin collection day in a fortnight’s time. If you are unable to fit all of your recycling into the bin at that time, crews will take additional items. These must be contained safely in paper carrier bags, cardboard boxes or clear sacks and the waste team is issuing clear plastic sacks to council information points for affected areas. Unfortunately items in black sacks won’t be taken.
Unfortunately all Household Waste Recovery Centres across Northumberland have had to close today (2nd March) due to adverse weather conditions. Efforts are being made to open sites tomorrow but please check alerts before making that journey. Check the council website for alerts and opening days and times for each centre - www.northumberland.gov.uk
Teams will make every effort to return for any commercial waste collections that have been missed during the adverse weather conditions as soon as possible.
For commercial customers who have wheeled bins, the normal policy of collecting only waste that is contained within the wheeled bin will be temporarily relaxed and excess bagged commercial waste left alongside the container will also be removed when the next collection takes place.
Refuse collection staff that are unable to safely carry out collections have been redeployed to work alongside staff on snow clearance and gritting duties on main footpath and car parks in town centres, busy urban shopping areas and other important pedestrian links.
Further information will be issued through the Council’s ‘Alerts’ channels which are available via the website www.northumberland.gov.uk or:
Twitter: @northumberlands
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nccalerts