Why? Because permission has been applied for to build two ‘executive’ style homes in the middle of Bedlington Country Park.
Like many, MAN4B is appalled that this application has even been submitted. To apply to build within an area designated as both a Local Wildlife Site and a Local Nature Reserve, particularly 'executive' housing which is out of the reach of the vast majority of Bedlington residents, is insulting and offensive to our community.
This should be seen and dealt with as what it is - a money making exercise at the expense of the wildlife which has been present in this habitat for hundreds of years and also to the thousands of people who love, care for and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the Country Park.
Please visit the NCC Planning website – type ‘Humford’ into the search engine and see for yourself. If you are as incensed as we are please add your objection to the many already there.