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New officer for Morpeth team

By Bot, in News,

Morpeth Neighbourhood Policing Team has welcomed a new member.
PC Andrew Brown joins Morpeth Neighbourhood Policing Team to become the dedicated officer for Morpeth Town Centre and the surrounding estates, taking over from PC Lee Taylor who has retired after 30 years’ service with Northumbria Police.
Andrew will be supported in his new appointment by Community Support Office (CSO) Paul Moorhead.
Andrew has over 15 years’ service with Northumbria; he transfers to Morpeth from Bedlington and has previous experience as a Neighbourhood Officer in Newcastle’s West End. 
PC Andrea Taylor will remain the dedicated neighbourhood Officer for Stobhill estates, Pegswood and Longhirst, supported by CSO Simon Beavers.
PC Andrea Teasdale will remain the dedicated Neighbourhood Officer for rural Morpeth villages including Hepscott, Stannington, Mitford, Hartburn, Scots Gap, Cambo, Netherwitton, Stanton and Longhorsley; supported by CSO Holly Went
PC  Paul Dent will remain the dedicated Neighbourhood Officer for Ulgham, Cresswell, Widdrington, Red Row, Hadston, Broomhill, Acklington, West Thirston and Eshott; CSO Susan McCallum.
The Morpeth Neighbourhood Policing Team can be contacted on 101 ext 69191, or via the force website at www.northumbria.police.uk.
In an emergency please dial 999.


Cafe burgled in Bedlington

By Bot, in News,

Police are appealing for information after a cafe in Bedlington was burgled.
Between 4pm Thursday, December 17, and 7am Friday, December 18, burglars broke into the Tasty Bite cafe in Ravensworth Terrace.
They broke in through the back door of the premises and stole cash and two charity boxes from inside the shop.
Enquiries are ongoing into the burglary and anyone with any information is asked to contact police on 101 quoting reference number 191 18/12/15.

Three regional Forces are joining together to raise awareness of the dangers of knife-related crime and ensure we all stay safe.
Northumbria, Cleveland, and Durham Police are working with the ‘Surrender a knife’ organisation to encourage the surrender of knives which may otherwise be used in crime throughout the next two weeks. 
The British Ironwork Centre is also supporting the campaign by providing secure knife bins across the country which can be used by anyone to deposit knives or other bladed/pointed weapons.
Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird, said: "While we are fortunate that we don't have the same knife problem here in Northumbria as in some areas of the country; one knife carried is one knife too many.
"That's why we're coming together as a region to support this national campaign and demonstrate our commitment to public safety.
"In the wrong hands a knife can be a deadly weapon and this initiative will let people who want to dispose of a knife do so safely.
"It's great to be joining up with my fellow commissioners to take a proactive approach to keep knives off our streets and our region safe."
Detective Chief Inspector Helena Barron understands there isn't a knife crime culture or issue within Northumbria but believes raising awareness is critical to keeping knife crime to a minimum.
DCI Barron said: "We continue to use a combination of education, prevention and enforcement to ensure that knife crime in the force remains low.
"As well as taking tough enforcement action we're carrying out reassurance work in the community. We will continue to visit schools, retailers and other partners to educate people about knife crime and, over the next few weeks, we will be taking the opportunity to highlight some of this valuable work.
"I'd like to reiterate that we don't have the same scale of problem as other parts of the country, but we know there are public concerns and this initiative is primarily about addressing those concerns.
"People who carry knives are just as much at risk of harming themselves as well as others, and they are also at risk of being arrested, charged to court, and possibly sent to prison.
"As part of the campaign we will be providing disposal bins in stations for members of the public to come along and voluntarily dispose of any knives they may be in possession of."
There will be bins allocated to the following police stations in Northumbria:
Forth Banks
Middle Engine Lane
Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland, Barry Coppinger said:  “We are proud to support this national initiative which will help to raise awareness about the damage and destruction that knives can cause.Over the next two weeks members of the public will have the opportunity to surrender knives safely and anonymously.   Removing knives from our streets will help protect our communities and provide a safer environment for the whole area.
Ron Hogg, Durham’s Police and Crime Commissioner, is supporting the amnesty. He said: “This is an ideal opportunity for residents who have unwanted knives in their household, to dispose of them in a safe and responsible way. I encourage residents to use the knife bins during the amnesty, available at various police stations across County Durham and Darlington.” 


Window damaged in Bedlington

By Bot, in News,

Police are appealing for information after a window was damaged in Bedlington.

Between 8pm Wednesday, August 19, and Wednesday, August 26, vandals smashed the rear window of a property in Westlea.

Enquiries are ongoing into the damage and anyone with any information is asked to contact police on 101 ext 69191 quoting reference number 1059 260815.

Officers are stepping up patrols to deal with anti-social behaviour (ASB) in and around Plessey Woods in Northumberland.
Residents and visitors to the parkland have raised concerns about rowdy behaviour, people riding motorcycles and quad bikes, abusive language and general issues of ASB.
Bedlington Neighbourhood Inspector Trevor Oakley, said: "Plessey Woods is a lovely parkland for people to enjoy and we don't want the problem behaviour of a few people spoiling the enjoyment for the vast majority of visitors, which is why we want to nip the problem in the bud.
"We know anti-social behaviour causes concern to local people which can seriously affect their quality of life. We know youths and other people have been gathering in Plessey Woods in Bedlington and causing anti-social behaviour and disorder.
"We've had number of calls from people concerned about off-road motorbikes and quad bikes being ridden in the area over recent weeks. Their behaviour has been causing a disturbance to residents and visitors, who were also worried about their safety, and distress to dog walkers and horse riders who regularly use the area.
"As a result we've increased our neighbourhood patrols of in the area at the key times these incidents have been reported. Officers have also been out talking to residents about the problem and making enquiries to find out who has been responsible for the anti-social behaviour.
"We are working closely with our partner agencies to tackle this. Neighbourhood officers have carried out regular patrols in the area and spoken to those causing a nuisance, in addition measures have been put in place to deter any further disorder.
"I hope people are reassured by the action we're taking and would ask they continue to help us target offenders by providing us with information on those who ride motorbikes irresponsibly and illegally.
"I'd urge people to contact us with any concerns they have about this or any other issues in their area."
Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Vera Baird, said: "There is no place for anti-social behaviour in our communities and I welcome the work being carried out in Plessey Woods to address people's concerns. Here we have a great example of Northumbria Police working with partners to take action to tackle the small minority involved in causing anti-social behaviour and reduce its impact on the local neighbourhood. Residents must feel assured that their concerns are being addressed and I urge anyone with any information or concerns to contact their neighbourhood police team."
Councillor Liz Simpson, chair of the safer Northumberland Partnership, said: “Northumberland County Council is fully committed to working with Northumbria Police to tackle anti-social behaviour throughout the county. I would like to reassure all those who visit Plessey Woods that the council and the police are determined to keep the area safe.”
Police are reminding riders of motorbikes and quad bikes on public roads that they must have a valid licence and insurance or could face prosecution and that riders cannot use a motorbike on private land without the genuine permission of the landowner.
Officers will stop bikes causing a nuisance and issue a Section 59 warning to riders, telling them if they continue to drive anti-socially or dangerously and receive a second warning within 12 months their bike can be seized and may be crushed.
People can contact police on 101, extension 69191 or via the Northumbria Police website, www.northumbria.police.uk
View the full news release

Police are appealing for information after a number of cars were broken into in Bedlington.
Between 9pm on Wednesday, March 11, and 8am on Thursday, March 12, five cars were targeted by thieves in the Hazelmere Estate area.
Enquiries are ongoing to establish what has been taken but police believe the offenders have chosen to steal from vehicles that were left unlocked and insecure.
Officers are in the area carrying out enquiries and are appealing for anyone with any information to contact them.
Neighbourhood Inspector Trevor Oakley said: "Twelve cars were broken into on Sunday night and today we have now had five more reports. There is obviously a thief or thieves operating in Bedlington looking for easy opportunities to get into people's cars.
"We are carrying out enquiries, checking CCTV footage and speaking to local residents and there will be extra officers patrolling the areas where the crimes have happened.
"We need residents to help us by removing all of their valuables from their cars overnight and making sure their car is locked when they park it up.
"If thieves are specifically targeting cars that are unlocked then make sure yours isn't an easy target by locking it when you leave it."
Anyone who saw anything suspicious around the times of the thefts, or anyone with any information is asked to contact police in Bedlington on 101 ext 69191 quoting reference number 175  030315.
The appeal comes as part of Operation Soundwave - a force wide initiative targeting opportunist thieves and burglars.
For crime prevention information and advice on how to protect your property visit: http://www.northumbria.police.uk/advice_and_information/crime_prevention/vehicle_security/index/index.asp


Police are appealing for information after a pizza shop was burgled in Bedlington Station.
Between 7:18pm and 7:25pm on Sunday, February 22, someone went into Gino's Pizza shop in Clayton Street climbed over the counter and stole money from the till. The thief then fled the shop.
Enquiries are ongoing into the burglary and police are appealing for anyone with any information to contact them on 101 ext 69191 quoting reference number 963 220215.


Gas meter stolen in Bedlington

By Bot, in News,

Police are appealing for information after a gas meter was stolen in Bedlington.
Between midnight and 10am on Wednesday, January 14, thieves stole an external gas meter from outside of an address in Front Street East.
Enquiries are ongoing into the theft and police are appealing for anyone with information to contact them on 101 ext 69191 quoting reference number sn 500 14/01/15.


Remembering Doctor Brown

By UJAY, in News,

These three characters have all had a positive influence on this, their local community. Shown on the left, I remember Dr Brown with his pet Boxer dog. He was the perfect 'Gentle Man' who spoke to everyone,tipped his hat to all the ladies and spoke to their children. Unfortunately, in his later years, after losing his wife, he became a little confused. I was always amused to see his car parked at all angles along Bedlington Front Street. Everyone seemed to understand and did not mind. I once found him driving his little, light blue, Ford Fiesta, around the Plessey roundabout, the wrong way, hopelessly lost. I had to lead him back into Bedlington. I am pleased to have known him as he was of a generation when Doctors were only too glad to be available to their local community.

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