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Adam Hogg

Bedlington Timeline

By Adam Hogg, in News,

As part of Light up Bedlington, Leading Link are wanting to create Timeline highlighting Bedlington's history.
This Interactive timeline of Bedlington requires Photos (Old and New) and creative Writing.
Space is limited and therefore requires to be booked in advance, The Event will be held at 90a Front Street East/ The old Gas shop and former Synergy Radio Station between 9.30am - 12.30pm on Wedensday 26th November.
To book please fill in the booking form on the bottom of the Light up Bedlington page, link is below:


Newburn Murder Victim is Local

By threegee, in News,

Police have charged fifty year-old Clare Humble, of the same address, with murder.
Thirty nine year-old Lee Nicholson of Lydford Court, Kenton Bank Foot, Newcastle, has been charged with "perverting the course of justice".
Both persons will appear before Bedlington Magistrates' Court tomorrow.

Andy Millne
In 2007 Tesco unveiled plans to redevelop its Bedlington town centre store including the introduction of additional retail units and office space. In 2014 the residents of Bedlington are still waiting for work to begin despite a key town centre asset being handed over as part of the deal. The "Gap Site", a parcel of land in the heart of the market place remains unused and leaves the town's ongoing development in a state of limbo.
Wansbeck MP Ian Lavery has written to Tesco chief executive Dave Lewis requesting a meeting amid concerns that the proposed plans have now been "permanently shelved". He has started a campaign to request Tesco develop the site as promised or return the asset to someone that will.
Mr Lavery, speaking to Chronicle Live journalist Brian Daniel said, "The situation is a hugely disappointing one for everyone concerned particularly given that when originally passed by planners this scheme was heralded as the biggest single investment in the history of the town. The failure to progress this development leaves Bedlington in a state of limbo.
"Accessibility from the car park at the rear entrance to the store is a huge issue with the steep ramps proving problematic for shoppers with full trolleys let alone those with children in pushchairs, the disabled or the elderly," he said.
"Furthermore the failure to progress the development leaves the undeveloped gap in the centre of the town's Market Place as a continued eyesore in what is otherwise an extremely attractive tree-lined main thoroughfare through Bedlington.
"Many people were also so looking forward to the proposed development providing much-needed new office and retail space for small local businesses and that has not happened either.
"It is my belief that Tesco has an obligation to the people of Bedlington to review its plans for the store and the wider town centre, because failure to do so will have far reaching consequences for the town.
"I would welcome a meeting with Mr Lewis to discuss a potential way forward on this dilemma."
The campaign is currently requesting the signatures of local residents in support of his proposal and at the time of writing had 17 signatures.

Plans include turning a small number of unused retail outlets into "˜pop-up shops' for the week, with Christmas markets, an acoustic "˜live lounge' and community workshops amongst the programme.
There will also be events on the Market Place, including carol singing from local schools and the annual lights switch on.
The charity is looking to involve Bedlington traders in the ambitious 'Light up Bedlington' umbrella project, in order to offer residents and visitors from across the region the opportunity to celebrate the start of the Christmas period in the town in style.
Lyn Horton, manager of Leading Link, said: "We are a small charity which believes in big projects, and this is turning out to be one of our most ambitious projects to date."
"Bedlington is an area which often sits in the shadows of its neighbours and "˜Light up Bedlington' week is a fantastic opportunity to showcase everything that the town has to offer."
"From schools and community groups, to traders, young people and their families getting involved, this will be one of the town's biggest Christmas celebrations of the last five years."
The week will culminate with an array of family fun and entertainment on the Market Place on Wednesday 26th November, with the official switching on of the Bedlington Christmas lights.
The community celebration, which will run from 4pm-6pm, will feature live entertainment, children's fun fair rides, a local enterprise market, hot food and drink and a chance to visit Santa's Grotto.
As well as all of this, Leading Link are once again giving local people in the town the opportunity to decide who officially switches on the Christmas lights as part of the event.
Last year's 'Xmas Lights Factor' took the town by storm, and an overwhelming 4500 votes were cast via an online poll.
The winner, with almost half of the votes, was 5 year old Holly Jones, whose story of inspiration and determination after an extremely difficult start to her life caught the hearts of the local community.
Jonny Hall, Assistant Manager of Leading Link, said: "Holly's inspirational story is in essence what the community of Bedlington is all about."
"This year we want to highlight the work of those that strive to improve the Bedlington area and so are looking for one of the town's community groups to take centre stage at the switch-on."
"If you know a charitable cause, community group or society that you think deserves to flick the giant switch in front of a packed Market Place at the celebration, then nominate them today!"
To nominate a group to switch on the lights simply fill in the form at www.leadinglink.co.uk/xmas or contact the Leading Link team on 01670 820088 to register your nomination.
The closing date for nominations is Friday 7th November, where it will be put to a public vote which decides who takes centre stage at the Bedlington Christmas Lights switch-on at the end of November.
Voting will close shortly before the event and the winner will be announced on the night.
Jonny added: "Everyone at Leading Link continues to be truly overwhelmed by community support for our ambitious plans, and we look forward to celebrating the start of the festive period together next month."
You can keep up-to-date with plans for "˜Light up Bedlington' week by following the project's mascot "˜Bedlington Ben' on Twitter (@BedlingtonBen) and Facebook (/BedlingtonBen).

Malcolm Robinson

Bedlington in Bloom

By Malcolm Robinson, in News,

Made up of residents, Town Councillors, Leading Link and other community group members the group has been working to improve the aesthetics and visual impact of our Town's greener areas through various floral improvements. All have given up huge amounts of their time and it now looks like their efforts have been rewarded.
In one of the "˜specific' award categories, Chester Court Care Home won Gold in the "Best kept grounds of a care, residential or convalescent home."
Well done to all involved!


Pancake Row - The Sawdust Jacks

By UJAY, in News,

The Sawdust Jacks are a Bedlington song writing project created by John Leslie, a local Historian.
Pancake Row was a terraced row of cottages on Sheepwash Bank, just above The Angler's Arms. They are no longer there.
In the early 1900s, a tragic incident happened there when a jealous lover murdered his girlfriend and then shot himself. The girlfriend was a barmaid in The Shakespeare Pub, Guidepost.
The Sawdust Jacks have over 20 videos of their songs on You Tube and you can use this link to view Pancake Row

Malcolm Robinson
After clearing a new pedestrian access route (many thanks to the volunteers who actually did this, Irene and Keith) between the Police Station and the Gas House, there are to be several new features fitted, the largest of which has been fitted today.
Another of these features will hold the plaque the Park was awarded when it was accepted as a Queen Elizabeth 11 Park. Hopefully the other award the park won, "Most loved playing field" in England by the Fields in Trust national organisation will be displayed here too.
There will also be "˜Tombstone' markers at the other entrances to Gallagher Park and these will be fitted over the next couple of weeks.

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