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Malcolm Robinson
This work was coordinated by Arch, The Northumberland Development Company with funding from Heritage Lottery Fund and Northumberland County Council.
Overall 19 buildings were refurbished and restored helping to support 25 businesses. Grants were offered to local independent businesses for restoration and repair work to help restore the special character features such as timber shopfronts and box sash windows. The Market Place was also subject to significant improvements in 2009, helping to create a more attractive and enjoyable space and an area for the Thursday Market.
Throughout the THI a number of community activities have also taken place with local schools, residents and other local organisations which helped educate people about their local heritage and traditional building skills.

Malcolm Robinson
The site is crammed full of topical themes and matter of local interest so it not only provides a snapshot of the Trust and the work the Trust has been doing but also a glimpse into the history of Bedlington and the facilities a contemporary Bedlington has to offer. This will be on-going and updating will be carried out periodically. Also access to the Development Trust videos is now in one place.
A Trust spokesperson said "We are aware this could be one of the first ports of calls for anyone looking into and researching Bedlington on-line so we take what we put up very seriously."


BedRock 2014

By Colin, in News,

If you can help us in any way please get in touch. Each venue sponsors several live acts over the day with in-house fund-raising going to their own chosen charity. With 2 years already under our belts things can only get bigger & better. Please help us support your community.

Malcolm Robinson

Breaking News

By Malcolm Robinson, in News,

Ridge Terrace and North Ridge residents adjacent have been asked to vacate their houses as a precaution.

This will of course cause widespread traffic issues as we progress to the tea time rush hour not least because this is the exit road for many of the school buses!

Date: Thursday 5th December
Time: 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Venue: Bedlington Market Place
Leading Link are delighted to be involved with West Bedlington Town Council in organising the Christmas lights switch-on this year.
The event will take place on Thursday 5th December, and will include a local enterprise market (featuring stalls from local businesses and schools), a few small fun fair rides for the kids, an arts and crafts tent, a live entertainment stage, a hog roast and of course Santa's grotto!
The lights will be switched on just before 7:00pm by a nominated member of the community - you can vote for one of the final six here
So please spread the word and help make this a community Christmas celebration to remember!

Adam Hogg

Bedlington In Bloom

By Adam Hogg, in News,

If the answer to any or all of these questions are yes, West Bedlington Town Council would love to hear from you by you Joining the Bedlington In Bloom Working Group.
There are opportunities for residents to either join the planning group or offer gardening services and skills by contacting the Council directly.
To find out more about Bedlington In Bloom or to Join the group Contact West Bedlington Town Council, leaving your name and contact details.
For contact details look on the Councils Website: http://www.westbedlington.org.uk/
Latest poster.....
bedlington in bloom (a5).pdf

Malcolm Robinson

Bedlington AMT

By Malcolm Robinson, in News,

West Bedlington Town Council is currently working alongside Action for Market Towns (AMT) on a Bedlington Benchmarking Project.
Benchmarking has been conducted by AMT in over 120 towns across the country and involves capturing data on 12 Key Performance Indicators within town centres such as retail offering, footfall, car parking, business confidence, shopper origin and town centre user views. Once the town centre has been reviewed, AMT will provide West Bedlington Town Council with a comprehensive report highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of Bedlington Town Centre, how it could be improved, examples of good practice and how the town fares against other towns of a similar type from across England and Wales.
In the past, Benchmarking has been used to understand how town centres operate, plan and develop regeneration initiatives, measure the impact of developments and as an evidence base to attract funding.
Whether you are a frequent user or someone who rarely visits Bedlington, we would like to know your views - both positive and negative!
The Council would like to encourage as many users of the town centre to put forward their views by completing the online benchmarking survey which can be found on the West Bedlington Town Council website, Bedlington.co.uk web site or the hyperlink below.
Hard copies are available in the council office as well as locally.
This benchmarking exercise has been funded by Northumberland County Council.

Malcolm Robinson

Bedlington Town Plan

By Malcolm Robinson, in News,


West Bedlington Town Councillors will be in the Community Centre Front Street West, from 12:00 noon to 4:00pm on Thursday 19th September 2013 and from 10:00am to 3:00pm on Saturday 21st September 2013, to invite views and comments and help complete the questionnaire from anyone who lives within the West Bedlington Town Council area.

Free Cash Draw

Questionnaires are to be distributed to all households within the West Bedlington Town area from 6th September 2013. Alternatively the questionnaire can be completed online on the Bedlington.co.uk website. Questionnaires must be completed by 30th September 2013. The Council will enter all completed questionnaires with a name and address into a cash draw and the 5 winners will be selected at random. Further copies of the Questionnaire can be requested and will be available from the West Bedlington Town Council offices at the Community Centre, Front Street West, Bedlington.

Great Opportunity

Councillor Malcolm Robinson a member of the Councils Communications and Publicity Group believes the survey "is a great opportunity for residents to get involved in the early stages of the Town's plan, a plan which belongs to the Bedlington community, is prepared by the Bedlington community and delivered by the Bedlington community. For once Bedlington residents will have a major say in not only the direction their Town Council takes with regard to various activities but also in the regeneration and development of our Town. I hope as many of our residents fill in these questionnaires as possible so we get a good cross representation of views."

What the Community Wants

West Bedlington Town Council is looking for a Plan that reflects the views of the community, identifies which features and local characteristics are valued, highlights local problems and opportunities and sets out what the community wants in the future. Once the results of the survey are analysed, the Council will use the results to help influence its future spending and service delivery.

I found out today that there is a planning application in for a 250ft wind turbine about 600m west of the Hazelmere Estate at the top end of Bedlington.
On the Northumberland Planning Portal its case reference 13/01899/RENE or can be accessed by clicking the below link:
The neighbour consultation period ends this Sunday (August 11th) and I'm quite shocked that I've only heard about this today from a work colleague who is objecting.
We haven't been informed of this application despite it, obviously, having a huge impact on the skyline for miles around and undoubtedly, house values will be affected for people on the Hazelmere Estate, outskirts of Bedlington and also Nedderton. As for the noise, an independent report included with the application, states that the sound will be close to a car passing at 40mph 100m away, obviously this sound is day and night and is constant.
I was viewing the documents online this morning which includes a mock up photograph from a few different angles and to say its horrendous is an understatement.
To object, you can email planningcomments@northumberland.gov.uk, before Sunday 11th August or register on the website to add your constraint.
Proposed View from North Ridge

Malcolm Robinson
West Bedlington Town Council are celebrating the award of two prestigious national awards to green spaces within its area.
The Green Flag award scheme which recognises the best green spaces in the country has been awarded to both Doctor Pit Park and Plessy Woods Country Park.
The Green Flag Award® scheme is the benchmark national standard for parks and green spaces in the UK, a site flying a Green Flag is a high quality green space which can only be a boost to its popularity.
These awards come on the back of recent awards for other green spaces in Bedlington.
Gallagher Park has been awarded Queen Elisabeth II status and is a winner of the "Fields of Trust" award. Over £25k of funding has been secured to improve and update the park.
Attlee Park has been awarded funding to improve the bandstand and immediate area with plans to secure additional funding for a new access footpath.
Building on the strength of these excellent awards the sites were included in the Town Councils application to Northumbria in Bloom. A judging panel recently visited the sites along with other green spaces and floral displays in Bedlington. The results of the entry are due to be announced at the end of September.
Looking forward the Council would like to invite any interested parties, individuals, groups or organisations to help plan their submission for next year's Northumbria in Bloom award. The Council would like to involve local residents, businesses, clubs and other voluntary organisations in the planning and organisation process by setting up a steering group specifically with this award in mind.
Any interested parties should contact the West Bedlington Town Council office for further details. You can telephone the office on 01670 457070 or e mail westbedligtontowncouncil@gmail.com

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