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John White

Richard's History Listen

By John White, in News,

L to R: Neal Younger (Synergy), Richard Pyle
and Newbiggin Mayor Will Rogers.

And Richard's commentaries will feature in a series of broadcasts on Synergy when the station returns on 87.7FM and on-line at www.synergyradio.co.uk in August.
Richard, 53, who now lives in Zurich, was born in Newbiggin and admits to being "a huge local history buff". "I completed my masters degree on British history at Newcastle University a couple of years ago," he said. "I specialised on the history of south east Northumberland and my dissertation centred on Newbiggin."
Richard's interactive guide to 14 villages and towns includes 30 sites in his native Newbiggin including Church Point, The Haven - former summer home of the Trevelyan family of Wallington Hall, and the old colliery site.
"The app, which I call 'Village Guides' is aimed at visitors and residents alike and I hope it will contribute to a better understanding of the area's heritage," he added. Newbiggin's mayor, Councillor Will Rogers welcomed the new app. "I think it is incredible", he said. "It is an excellent guide to the area. We want people to come and visit Newbiggin, and this guide is a great and innovative way to sell the area".
The guides are available on the itunes app store priced 99p to £1.99p. For more information contact Richard via villageguides@gm.com ■

Malcolm Robinson

The Big Event II

By Malcolm Robinson, in News,

Thousands are set to flock to the site of the Miner's Picnic as locals gear up to celebrate Bedlington.
"˜The Big Event 2' is a family fun day taking placing on Saturday 25th May, from 10:30am - 3:30pm, at Attlee Park in Bedlington - which is at the bottom of Bedlington bank.
The event is being organised by local charity Leading Link, in partnership with the Bedlingtonshire Development Trust, and will feature:
"¢ Sizzling summer BBQ
"¢ Ice-cream and candyfloss
"¢ Fun Fair rides
"¢ An enterprise market
"¢ A health and wellbeing tent
"¢ An entertainment stage around the old band stand
"¢ FREE caged football
"¢ Pony rides
"¢ Art and Crafts activities and much more.
The day will also see the highly anticipated final of Northumberland's Got Talent "“ now in its sixth year "“ and a special enterprise market of local products by young people.
The enterprise market is part of a competition being running in local schools in which groups of young people have each been given a start-up grant to design, produce and market their own local products, which will be on sale to the general public on the day.
The final is being judged by a specially collated panel of judges, and the winners will be awarded £250 as well as further enterprise coaching from the Bedlingtonshire Development Trust to take their product to a wider market.
Malcolm Robinson, Chief Executive of the Trust says "We are proud to be associated with this initiative. It's exactly what we need to further an enterprise culture amongst our young people within Northumberland."
The Big Event is part of a wider heritage project for the community of Bedlington has been made possible thanks to grants from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and The Heritage Initiative - Bedlington.
Lyn Horton, manager of Leading Link, said: "As always - when we say big, we mean big!"
"With so much going on with our HLF project, it seems the perfect opportunity to invite everyone to celebrate this fantastic area "“ and there promises to be something for everyone at The Big Event. We want absolutely everyone, even those with no affiliation to Bedlington, to come along and celebrate the wonderful community spirit that still exists around these parts. Hopefully the sun will be shining and we can give people a Bank Holiday weekend to remember!"
Parking at Attlee Park on the day will be disabled parking only, and MUST be pre-booked with Leading Link by calling 01670 820 088 or emailing info@leadinglink.co.uk.
There will be a FREE shuttle bus running all day from the car park behind Tesco for anyone wishing to park and ride.
If any groups would still like to be involved in the Enterprise Challenge, please do get in touch by the end of this week.
If you require any more information, please contact the Leading Link team on 01670 820088.


Bedrock 2013

By Colin, in News,

Other entertainment on the Saturday evening will see The Koast Radio Roadshow at Bedlington Terriers football ground. Topping the bill will be new girl band Angels In Chaos www.angelsinchaos.co.uk along with local singer Chloe Fennell and other supporting acts.
Sunday the fun begins at 2pm. Venues in Bedlington will swing open their doors for 10 hours of live music. From solo acts to bands it's sure, once again to be a brilliant day. All venues this year will be collecting for their own chosen charities.
This year the whole event will be filmed by WooGoo productions with all money made from DVD sales going to the Teenage Cancer Trust.
Please support what will be a fantastic weekend for Bedlington.


Election Special!

By threegee, in News,

To quote a little of what was said:
So there you have it! We've agreed that the political dinosaurs who refuse to engage other than under strictly controlled conditions have no right to gag "the new politics". We've an amazing spread of views across our membership, and there's a matching tolerance to the rights of others to express their opposing views.
Maybe the best advice to members is to consider what the person you give your vote to is going to do with it after they've safely pocketed it? Are they going to go AWOL until the next election, or are you going to be able to put searching questions to them afterwards, and get a prompt explanation of why they are doing what they are doing in your name?
If there's one thing that's generally agreed it's that our Town has been badly served by "party hacks" of all parties. The "new accountability" is everywhere these days, so perhaps it's not a big ask that Bedlington gets its rightful share! â– 

John White
Produced and edited by Synergy presenter John White and based on a script by the Sixtownships community history group, the re-enactment was recorded by staff and students of Morpeth's King Edward V1 School.
The play is amongst a dozen of John's Drivetime show items in the Audio Archive
Said John: "We plan to build up the audio archive so that people in the area who may have missed local items when they were first aired will now have the opportunity of listening to them. And as we're coming up to the hundredth anniversary of such an infamous event in Bedlington's history, we felt it just had to be included as part of the archive."
Amongst other items that are now available on the site is John's transatlantic interview with expat author Paul Mann whose book "The Leek Club" describes his formative years growing up in Bedlington.
Synergy organiser South Northumberland Radio Group is applying to Ofcom for a second 28-day licence to broadcast on FM and simultaneously on-line later this year.

Listen Now

Keith Scantlebury
The reputation that Burnside has had over the last decade or two has not been the best, to say the least. Things have improved significantly over the last 12 months or so and it is our intention to build on that and make it an estate that people wont be ashamed to admit to living on.

There are many good people living on this estate and they have had to suffer the stigma of living on Burnside because of the way a certain few chose to lead their lives by disrespecting their neighbours and environment and, in doing so, tarring everyone on the estate with the same brush, things can only change for the better.
---- neighbours pulling together ----


Synergy Makes Expansion Easy

By NewsQueen, in News,

Keith Fitzsimmons, the co-owner of Synergy, first approached Stelios in December 2010 shortly after the launch of easyGym, with a view to opening physiotherapy clinics at the easyGym sites as a complementary service. More than 18 months later the CEO of easyGym, Paul Lorimer-Wing confirmed that he wanted Synergy to be its Physiotherapy partner.
Keith, who has so far invested £90,000 in the easyGym openings, said: "I launched Synergy in 1999 and opened the Bedlington clinic in 2002. Since then I have expanded the business, opening in Carlisle and in Gosforth, with a total of seven physiotherapists and two administration staff "“ so we are a successful business. But I saw this as a great opportunity. EasyGym has been a pleasure to work with and is eventually looking at opening 50 sites across the UK "“ so this is an extremely exciting time for us."
Synergy is fitting out the clinics - which are a minimum of 160 sq ft and each employ at least of two physios "“ with top quality furniture and state of the art equipment.
Keith has also invested in a bespoke online booking system, developed by Newcastle based web developer Jump, that allows real time booking, giving greater choice to patients and saving Synergy time in administration.
He said: "The clinics at EasyGym sites are open seven days and longer hours than normal physio clinics are "“ from as early as 6.30am in some places "“ so therefore we needed a realtime booking system that enabled patients to make their appointments online, and pay for them at the same time.
"We are also looking at expanding the services offered at all of the sites to incorporate sports nutritionists, podiatrists, and even sports doctors."
Paul Lorimer-Wing from EasyGym said: "When Synergy approached us we saw a great opportunity to develop complementary services at EasyGym sites. Keith has done a great job in developing those services and opening well equipped clinics. We look forward to a long and fruitful partnership."
Synergy, which won the Rio Tinto Business of the Year award in 2008, has also recently been asked to provide physiotherapy services to the stars of the X Factor during some parts of their UK-wide tour, including the recent shows at the Newcastle arena.

Bedlington.co.uk has joined the digital era and has it's very own Facebook page which will allow people to keep up to date with local news and stories directly from their news feed.

Bedlington.co.uk also has a twitter feed which people can follow for events, news, articles relating to the local area.

John White
South Northumberland Radio Group's campaign to raise funds for its second FM and simultaneous on-line broadcast has, this month, received two boosts: £500 from Blyth Town Council's Community Chest fund and a Big Lottery Fund Awards for All grant offer of £6251.
This funding adds to £5250 in recent grants and donations from West Bedlington Town Council, the Co-op Community Fund, the Newcastle-based Sir James Knott Trust and an anonymous overseas well-wisher.
The group's chairman, Colin Heathcote said: "We're absolutely delighted that our fund raising efforts have paid off and that we can go ahead with another broadcast.
"Apart from the funding, we have had tremendous support for our project to provide a genuinely accessible community radio service from people and organisations throughout our broadcast area of south east Northumberland.
"Amongst the many letters and messages received are those from several parish and town councils in the area, the local MPs, Northumberland County Council, Alan Shearer, the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, the Salvation Army, Samaritans, Wansbeck CVS, Age UK, Bedlington Forum, Friends of Gallagher Park, British Red Cross, Bedlingtonshire Chamber of Trade and Sir John Hall who is currently chairing a committee which aims to breathe new life into Ashington town centre."
He added: "Our broadcast in March last year attracted nearly 100 studio guests and was well received in the community. The second broadcast will enable us to build on that success and give volunteers a chance to further hone their broadcasting skills as we await Ofcom's five-year licence application decision."

John White

Synergy FM 6k Lottery Grant

By John White, in News,

Dear All.
Fantastic news just in today:
The Big Lottery Fund has given us a grant of £6251
We applied for this money to finance another 28 day fm broadcast, similar to the one back in March last year.
So please watch this space for further details...
SYNERGY is about to return!

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