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Posts posted by esme

  1. I realize that my old school is in decrepid condition, but the building is stone and the roof was slate, that can always be restored, if they decide to knock it down it will be sold off to some commercial monstrosity which will build an ugly structure to sit right across from St Cuthberts church.........Progress???? does anyone have a good idea to put it to a better use?? how about a day care center for kids?? an art/music center maybe, where kids who would normally be roaming the streets could express themselves in a productive way

    I'm sure it could be renovated and put to good use in some way Micky. It is awful to see such an iconic building falling derelict.

    I went to the same school many moons ago and I have some very fond memories.

  2. I would have thought that the size of the tumour would be hard to miss? Plus the fact of all the other symptoms she had.

    Any negligence SHOULD be in her records, but nowadays, with all the records being computerised, bits are easily changed/deleted or added to as necessary. It does happen.

    Anyway, time will tell. If there was negligence, i hope it is investigated.

    I hope any investigations are promptly carried out as well Cympil.

    This seems to be a really sad situation. However, I think it would be fair to acknowledge that this is a complex case involving information that the general public are not privvy to. Jade has had plenty to say and is freely allowed to give her side of the story. The medical profession are not and are bound by confidentiality clauses.

  3. I haven`t a clue if she had smears done. The fact she was in hospital so many times and all the scans and tests should have showed the cancer.

    I suppose even if there is grounds for medical negligence, there`s always a way around it anyway. Doctors tend to cover each others backs and lie through their teeth if they have to.

    The scans and tests wouldn't necessarily show up cervical cancer - the 'gold standard' in detecting cervical cancer cells is to have regular smears. I was just wondering whether Jade might have defaulted from the smear programme (it happens all too often, believe me) given her hectic work/social life in which case any negligence would be her own.

    If there is any medical negligence then it should be plainly clear in her medical records (as would any collusion between the medical profession)

  4. No-one is saying they`re braver than anyone else. Cancer is cancer, it affects everyone the same. The only difference is, when celebs get it, they make people more aware of it.

    One thing that has happened since Jade Goody has made it so public, is that there are thousands more women recognising the symptoms and going for smear tests. This has to be a good thing.

    .........................which begs the question - did Jade ever have a smear test done in the 4 years she had symptoms? Women aged 25 - 49yrs should be having a smear test every 3 yrs. Women are sent out a reminder each time it is due but it is up to the individual to attend their GP/clinic for the test.

    Medical negligence??? We can debate until the cows come home but without her medical notes I don't think it is worth considering.

    It would be public, she`s a celeb..is your friend terminal? If she was she`d be getting help from Macmillan nurses..they do grants and other stuff.

    If you had terminal cancer and your lad had a tag, would you not think it was in-human that he couldn`t be with you on your wedding night?

    ..............although MacMillan Grants are helpful when faced with financial hardship, they are a mere drop in the ocean in comparison to what Jade is earning just now.

  5. I will always have happy memories of the summer months spent at the baths, every chance I got rain or shine I was at the baths.

    There used to be an unofficials record of who could swim the most lengths of the baths can anyone remember this ? B)

    I can just about remember the baths at Humford. I was really small when they shut. My burning memory is of the changing cubicles at the side of the pool - it was always freezing especially when you came out!

  6. From what I hear. A sport centre's been on the cards for 30 years or more. Be nice if they finally get a round to doing it. I mean why did they demolish the humford baths?

    I think they'll need a bonny sight more than £2 million to build a decent Sports Centre/baths.

    ..............fond memories of Humford Baths as well :D

  7. We used to get our milk from a guy with a horse-drawn cart - the name Tonto sounds familiar. The beast knew its round - walking to the appropriate house, stopping whilst the Milky got the order, then walking-on to the next house on command of a whistle. There used to an old woman down our street who owned a parrot whose cage was in the front window; this bird picked-up the sound of the Milky's whistle and on a couple of occasions called the horse on when the guy was at a front door. He had to chase after the horse to restore order. He asked the old girl to move the parrot.

    I remember a Mynah (is that how you spell it?) Bird in a newsagents at the station. It could talk great style!

  8. Yes he did Blank, it was not long before he was delivering the milk and cleaning windows again. I have a vague memory of the milk float being horse drawn but I could be getting mixed up with Ringtons tea as they delivered by horse and cart in them days.


    I remember Brian Yarrow delivering milk from a horse drawn cart. The horse was called Tonto he used to let us ride up our street on the back of the cart. Him and his mother had the little shop at the top of Beech Grove (surprisingly enough it was called Yarrows!) and the dairy was behind the shop. I think Brian is still delivering the milk but he has a fancy electric milk float now. Progress? ;)

  9. Yes they do deserve a better reaction and maybe if they changed their attitude they would maybe getting one!!!! :angry:

    Maybe their attitude has got the Portugese press's backs up cos I'm damn sure they've got mine up :angry:

    They have shown no sorrow and they haven't even been dignified in that either,for their childrens sake I hope they did not have anything to do with Maddies disappearance because they will be crucified like no others,with their self edifying publicity stunts!!!!!! :(

    I don't for one minute believe that Maddie's parents had anything to do with this. Kate McCann has, at times, looked absoloutely distraught which I take as a sign of sorrow. Both are highly respected medical professionals which might go towards explaining their dry, aloof manner - not many doctors are reknowned for displaying emotion in public! A lot of the publicity has been driven from the UK and I think it has at times been OTT.

    I believe that the Portugese press are trying to distract from the fact that their police force has shown nothing but hicky incompetence throughout :angry:

  10. Thinking back I dont think I have ever seen them cry, even at the beginning. But you cant say they killed their own daughter just because they dont cry in public...

    You lot are as bad as the Portugese press and fueling this cruel witch hunt :angry: Maddies parents deserve better than this kind of reaction. Yes, I'm sure they have a mountain of regrets and God knows how many times they've thought "if only". I'm certain they have cried rivers of tears.

    I believe that had the Portugese Police been more competent particularlly in the initial stages of the investigation we wouldn't still be wondering WHERE IS MADDIE?

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