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Everything posted by maggie

  1. someone told me surestart have bought it, don't know how true that is though.
  2. soup P
  3. spots
  4. about
  5. stage
  6. tesco
  7. tony hart
  8. beer mat
  9. its not open
  10. dizzy
  11. ice lolly
  12. posh gits
  13. old gadgy
  14. corkscrews
  15. party
  16. incognito
  17. sadness
  18. i reclaimed my charges last year, and helped two people reclaim theirs. i'm now planning on reclaiming my sons. the banks knew the charges were unfair or they wouldn,t have refunded the money without even defending the cases in court when so many people were reclaiming.
  19. sorrow
  20. munchkin
  21. kareoke
  22. horror
  23. honey
  24. sting
  25. barns
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