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About Poldweia

  • Birthday June 14

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  1. OK, I know Kirk Yetholm is in the Borders, but is anyone else related to the gypsies there? My Great, great grandfather was born there, and his surname was Blythe and I know they crossed the border frequently. And we had a family tradition of being gypsies, and now I know that there was a large gypsy family there by that name. Is anyone else reading this related to them? I'd be fascinated to hear anything you can tell me.
  2. Apologies for not responding earlier but I've been away. Carole. I believe my Great Aunt is one of the young ladies dressed as flower girls. I wish I had a photograph to show you of her but sadly it's all in my head now as she died in 1982 and I've no one to get a photo from. But she was red haired and pale skinned in a family of dark haired, swarthy skinned people (much as I am). Although funnily enough, I now know she came from a gypsy family (on her mothers side) called Blythe from Kirk Yetholm in the Borders. And reading up on them they were known for being 'ungypsy' like in their looks. And were known for their reddish hair and fair skin. Once again thank you so much for sharing.
  3. What wonderful photographs. They are especially poignant for me as my Grandma was born at Netherton Colliery in 1914 and some of these people could have been her family. In fact in photo three, the young girl third from the left (standing) is the image of my Great Aunty Jean (born 1905). I don't know if it is her. But facially it really reminds me of later photographs I saw of her, and she seems to have red hair, which my Aunt had. It would be lovely to find out if it really is her. Thank you for sharing these photographs.
  4. Hi There, My Grandma was Josephine (Jessie) Tweddle, born in Netherton Colliery in 1914 and brought up as a Catholic attending the Catholic school. She was the youngest of a large family, with elder brothers called Stephen (who sadly drowned in the River Blythe in the 1920's), David and William and sisters called Georgina (Jean), Mary and Elizabeth (Betty). They have all now sadly passed away with Betty being the last in 2002. I wonder if anyone knows anything of the family and could help me trace relatives now? Thank you. Debs
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