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Everything posted by kasyx

  1. Surely freedom of speech must either be there or not there. and where do you draw the line? even though im against what the man was saying, dont we live in a democracy where he has the right to say it? who was it who is quoted as saying "i m totally against what he is saying, but i will fight to the death for his freedom to say it"?
  2. Shopping
  3. AND the Pit Heap used to smoke and smell of beans lol
  4. when i was a kid (any years ago lol) we used to play armies in the planters. then later in life, take ya girlfriends (or whatever) for a `romantic walk`
  5. Sorry for your loss.
  6. my mam tells me they were quite popular lol
  7. aaaAAAAHHH (king of the impossible )
  8. blimy, that brings back memories
  9. we live in a seriously messed up world
  10. BLIMY...... busy boy lol
  11. :D at hamberger
  12. seems to be an example of media hype.
  13. man watching 2 bedlington council workers at work. one dug a hole and the other one filled it in straightway. the man went to ask why they were doing it. "Because the bloke that puts the tree in is on holiday"
  14. lol you having a TwilightZone moment there Mr Darn???
  15. noo, you werent imagining it. come to think about it, im 35 n i must av been about 7 or 8 when it was pulled down. so 30 years is a tad overstated lol. I checked on the internet history sites and they dont give much away. except that it was called Netherton Road Chaple. Apart from that I drew a blank. Shall keep hounding the net thought
  16. Deep
  17. Yea I remember that little chappel thing. it was a spooky looking place beside the gates. wasnt it like a chappel of rest or something. i remember it being pulled down. must have been 30 years ago it was demolished. good conkers tho
  18. good place to go n pick conkers!!!
  19. i remember when it was the co-op with the dodgy green lift, and presto next door. and bachi (?) at the bottom of the street. god, does that ake me old???? im only 35 hahah
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