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Everything posted by threegee

  1. Perhaps you need to stop accepting everything you hear on the BBC, and read in their policy manual (The Guardian). "It's a big victory and we can now all go home" is a common delusion, but it's not the way the world actually works.
  2. Got any actual points to make Tony, or does comrade Corbyn do all your thinking for you these days? Please keep in touch as I'd love to know how your extremist-lefty views go down with Mr Orban's crowd. Tiny bit of advice: don't mention immigration, or show any support for the EUcrats, or his Momentum-style bully boys might seek to re-educate you. You will refuse to accept it but Ukip policy represents pretty much the middle ground of UK politics before it swung drastically to the left through the infiltration of our media and education. Sure there are a few nutters, but these are well spread out throughout the political spectrum these days. Even the Ukip nutters don't want us to completely trash our country though, and are amenable to reason.
  3. auriocasio.com isn't a registered domain name! Do you want me to register it for you and activate it? Umm... we could then publish a helpful guide on to how to get rid of it from Chrome!
  4. It's only "a circus act" because people who derive benefits from the EU machine are still in charge and are desperately fighting their corner. They've had things their way for so very long that they truly believe they can ignore a referendum result. We get garbage like "the sovereignty of parliament", and they believe people will accept this. When I last looked the Queen was still sovereign, and she swore a Coronation Oath to uphold the will of the people over special interest. If they are right then we need to dispense with all the state opening of parliament mullarkey and save some money. The red bus phenomena is quite amusing. It's a rationalisation that all the arrant nonsense the Remain campaign spouted was seen through by people who are now arrogantly considered intellectual inferiors by the so-called "educated". You are echoing this in your "they didn't know what they voted for" and its helpmate "they are all a bunch of racists" [not your quotes]. We've never heard any election result challenged before on the basis of "they didn't know what they voted for", though it's now pretty universally accepted that this was very true in the case of Tony Blair. Were you protesting that "Things... can only get better!" was a cruel deception back then? Ironic that the keyboard player chanting this slogan was none other than that intellectual giant Prof. Brian Cox, the current recipient of large wodges of the TV tax in consideration for his profound observations on life, the universe, and everything! "perhaps you're happy with an outcome inspired by ignorance, so long as it goes your way? " I've covered the ignorance bit above, and I'm happy that our fragile democracy still seems to be creaking on. I'm unhappy that Dodgy Dave didn't fulfil his undertaking to give notice immediately the referendum result was announced, and did a runner. I'm unhappy that Remainers and vested interest is still in charge. It's the same democracy that got us into the EU by stealth, and denied us a vote on the matter (despite electoral promises by all establishment parties - including the braindead LD's!), but it's the best we have and needs to be respected until we can improve on it. The only alternative to not respecting it is another civil war. One would have thought our "intellectual superiors" who are now busily trying to undermine this democracy would have got this latter point! As I keep saying the pound is doing just fine. If you study the graphs you will find that the referendum result has had no long term nett affect on it. It's currently at the same level as its average since Gordon Brown trashed Sterling back in 2008. I can however reliably predict that there's a Eurozone crisis on the horizon, as Germany is surely going into recession now under the weight of Merkel's legacy. It will be interesting to see how the group-think EUphiles try to rationalise this. This isn't something we can or should celebrate as Dodgy Dave quietly signed us up to the Euro support mechanism, and so we won't come out entirely unscathed.
  5. "The audience of a dozen on here won't get you very far." It's not me that wants to get very far, and you dismiss the silent majority at your peril; ask Dodgy Dave about that one! Will keep you updated anyway, as it's novel to have common cause with you.
  6. Yes, but you still only get one party for your money, not two entirely self-contradictory ones like with Labour. It looks rather well presented to me, but I'm disappointed it doesn't mention HoL reform. It's coming I think, as Ukip policy is made by ordinary members, not behind closed doors in those legendary "smoke filled rooms".
  7. Great to see this one rapidly heading for the 100,000, but I think the establishment parties will do what they always do: mutter fine words about the need for essential reform being recognised, and then do precisely nothing. I'm exploring other ways of lobbying at the moment, as this issue must become a manifesto issue for one party that breaks ranks. It's disappointing that Ukip hasn't picked up on general public feeling and realised that the time for reform is long overdue. A huge vote winner now I think. Recent petitions I've signed: Ensure that the U.K. leaves the EU Single Market & Customs Union. Manufacture the new blue passport in GB not Germany or France. Ensure the UK leaves all EU defence rules, policies and structures on 29/03/19. The last one is pretty notable I think, as I'm told it was started by military veterans who don't want to see us dragged into a war to "project EU values", as the EUcrats like to put their expansionist ambitions. They've dedicated their lives to our defense, and so deserve to be listened to and supported more that any politico.
  8. You can download it from here. Other parties are cordially invited to post theirs, as (unlike our state broadcaster) the site is politically neutral. I will even try very hard to refrain from commenting on them!
  9. I've struggled to understand that Merc. I thought you were claiming that abolishing this last bastion of undemocratic vested interest "mean all them foreigners suddenly go home"? But as you've signed the petition anyway that can't be true. Anyway, you know all those Eastern European nurses and doctors that were suddenly going to go home if we voted for our independence? Well.. the number now working in the NHS has surged by several thousand. If it had fallen in any way the BBC Guardianistas would be ramming this consequence down our throats regularly. Who was telling porkies here then? In fact is there anything at all that the EUphiles claimed that has actually occurred - generally the exact opposite has happened. You seem bitter because you believe the referendum was won on the basis that these foreigners should all go home. Well ...surely you need to be crowing that this hasn't happened, and that these bigots have been confounded? Of course that's not how the vast majority saw it: the vast majority had huge concerns about the Tony Blair inspired social engineering that had been going on, and the pressure on our services. Yes, there was fear of the curse of Islam in there too, but that's a very rational and existential fear, even though you want us to dismiss it, and you irrationally label it as racism.
  10. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/209433 Looking like one of the fastest growing petitions ever!
  11. .. there's now Telford, and exactly the same deafening silence! The BBC’s shameful silence on the Telford sex scandal Something rather Orwellian about this new diversity, which apparently relies on ruthlessly curtailing diversity of speech and even diversity of thought.
  12. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/03/13/northumberland-job-man-tried-steal-mini-cooper-ends-needing/
  13. Europe is waking up, so perhaps he isn't going to get away with it. Seems there are rumblings about Junker facing corruption charges too. That will surely be the day, as the Brussels mafia has always closed ranks in the past. We look forward to the BBC coverage of all this; but there lies another scandal!
  14. https://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/03/a-very-eu-coup-martin-selmayrs-astonishing-power-grab/ It's worth reading the full article. If you don't think the above is an affront to European democracy then here's a Telegraph post from Chris Snuggs who appears to speak for many (including me):
  15. Moe: My guess - and it's simply a guess - that Merc's position on a lot of things is the same as the much of today's extreme left (and indeed what little there is of today's extreme right) that My enemy's enemy is my friend, and that's why he supports Islam and really wants to treat it like any other religion. But.. he tells us we can't "pigeonhole" him as a leftie, yet he walks like a Corbynista leftie and quacks like a Corbynista leftie, and tells us he's proud to hold left wing views. That's why I am very interested in "his answers". Corbyn's new kind of politics seems rather like an old kind of politics to me; but as you can't get any sort of rational discussion with a Corbynista (hello Mr Lavery!) I was rather hoping he could pretend he's one for the purposes of debate. Lots of local people will be voting for Corbyn and McDonnell in future it seems, so think of explaining their mysterious policies to these voters as a public service.
  16. Here we are back to the indirect ad hominem. The reason you won't answer any clarifying questions is "because I don't think you're really interested in my answers; you're right, and everybody else is wrong, and that will always be the case". i.e. I'm badly motivated, so that apparently justifies the refusal to examine your own highly inconsistent ideas. Yes, I do think there aren't irredeemable people, but if we aren't vigilant and challenge evil belief sets we can easily get into a situation where there is no practical alternative to eliminating the people and not the ideas. That's why apologists for such belief sets are themselves dangerous to society, and need to be challenged. If you do find the time to reply in a spirit of free discussion and not personal attack, then I'm happy to resume a friendly discussion.
  17. I'm simply curious to examine your ideas of good and evil. You tell us "some people are evil." I want to know who those evil people are. You see I don't believe there are any irredeemable people, only irredeemable ideas. Islam is one of those irredeemable ideas, and has no place in a modern civilised society. I want to examine exactly why you are an apologist for it. How is determining what you believe is evil "introducing something that is of no relevance" in a discussion about evil? I answer your questions directly, but you seek to dodge mine.
  18. Pigeonholing people is what the left do, and certainly not me! Because of this they do exactly what you do above: rather than tackling ideas which they can't handle they go in for ad hominem attacks. You are telling us that Islam is not an evil. So what in your book is an evil? Let's take Naziism and its own manual Hitler's Mein Kampf - simple question: are those evils? Keep you answer short and straightforward, so's not to muddy the waters please?
  19. We've just suffered an event very close to the election of a new President of the US of A. In fact it's more relevant than that as last time I looked we were still an EU vassal state; so he's our president (or at least the principal one). Tuning in to the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation Thursday morning, I confidently expected Martin Selmayr to be headline news. If his "appointment" was ever even mentioned in the morning program I must have dozed off again. Ever expectant I tuned in to every BBC news bulletin throughout the day without any mention of the great event. OK, this is sure to be featured on the in-depth Newsnight, I told myself. Nope, not a proverbial dickey! This adds to the long catalogue of the bias by omission and editorial selection that has characterised BBC coverage over the last decade or two, and which gets progressively worse. To make up for the BBC's shyness in covering the event let me report second hand what one "highly surprised" EUrocrat is now on record as saying: That's an interesting observation in respect of an organisation which is prefaced on taking power and holding on to it, no matter what!
  20. Martin who? Well the surname is Selmayr, and he's a 47-year-old German lawyer known as a "monster eurocrat", and the "Rasputin of Brussels". Nothing to do with me you say... well, not quite. By some mysterious process he just became "Secretary General of the European Commission". Still nothing to do with me you say, as he's not even in the European Parliament. You'd be right there, as he's now the guy that heads the junta that hands down law for the European Parliament to rubber stamp - law which our great and good have "wisely" made transcendent to English law. Understand why he's got a smirk on his face, and old Juncks is looking like... well... am I going to get away with this? Why was this professional lawyer appointed by the Brussels mafia? Well... "Mr Selmayr, who was previously Mr Juncker's chief of staff, is a vocal supporter of European federalism and one of the EU's most vehement opponents of Brexit." Getting the plot now?
  21. My excuse is that I didn't write the software, but Andy might have had a hand in the authorship. My excuse is that IF I'd been capable of writing it, then I most certainly wouldn't have written it in PHP! [private joke there]
  22. You placed single quotes around the words sleeper and activist. Please point out where I ever used either of those words, or apologise for the misquote. That's not how I see the evil of Islam. How I see Islam is in the terms radical Islamists mockingly tell us to see. They mock because they can see our weakness, and realise - as many in the West do - that our so-called liberalism makes many of us blind to their strategy. They also rejoice in the fact that in current times those liberal values mitigate against basic common sense. Read the Quran, and don't for one second believe that it is equivalent to the Christian Bible in its current relevance. If you've any doubts listen to what reformed Muslims have to say. Which TV show do you suppose I imagine?
  23. That's pretty much it Maggie, except it doesn't mention the "Mare" (seafood). Don't go near that myself, as I draw the line at eating things that look back at me or have suckers. Brits keep getting asked why they reside here. It's a mystery to the Italians as many of them want to get to Northern Europe or the UK to get employment - the EU having completely b*****ed the once strong economy for at least the last decade. If you say the climate they never quite understand this, so it's easier to just say the food. Then, they just smile broadly and agree. One of the first things you have to get used to is the growing seasons - and this certainly isn't high summer, which kills things like normal grass stone dead, and just about everything apart from the cacti struggles to survive. So, UK style lawns are a huge luxury, and very few waste time and effort growing things you can't eat/sell. There are actually two growing seasons a year, and things like tomatoes have to be kept in partial shade. Even oranges, lemons, etc. grow best with a bit of shade from other trees. I killed the one banana palm here the first year by not turning the provided irrigation system on every day. No one bothered to tell us it needed loads more water than the other palms - something we were apparently supposed to know! Root veggies don't do at all well in this soil though, so things like spuds are mainly imported into the region. Practically everyone has plenty of land, and lots of produce swapping goes on, even if you didn't actually tell them they could help themselves. The attitude is that they know you would want them to have it, so they are doing you a favour by not bothering you! If you don't want to swap a little for personal use you put up a fence, and there aren't too many fences. So, healthy and varied diet, and (when you need to buy them) many (but not all) foods are cheaper than in the UK - especially the wine!
  24. Wasn't the "dunkirke" thing a (glorious?) exit and not an entry? Normandy could be the place to think.
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