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  1. Hi Jean,i have been reading your responses to Jenn's request's regarding her family tree. I am Jim,Your Aunt Jane/Jenny's son. I do remember you & your sister, also of course your mum. I must admit i dont remember which sister{Younger or Eldest?} as it has been so long since we last met. I am sorry to hear about your mum,actually i did try and contact you all when mum died in 84,but to no avail. If you do see this when you next visit this site,please do get in touch,Jenn in america has my E-Mail address. Warm regards to you and the family. Jim
  2. Anyone know what happened to the Hunter family who used to live in Terrior Close?The Dad worked at the Power Station in Cambios foreman fitter i think? Knew them in the sixties,but lost touch after moving away. Knew Joan the eldest daughter very well. Appreciate your help. Thanks.
  3. All of them,i hope. We need to start from scratch, get the moneys bags,over the hill,crocked ones out. That should you do it
  4. jlogan48


    For sure i remember the Disc as we called it in the sixties. Loved the place,i used to hang out with the guy's in their for a magical year. It was in there i first saw this great looking lass fom Blyth, later that night i was walking her home from the clayton dance hall. We have been married for over 40 years now,so thank you Disc. Sad it did ot last very long, but then many things have changed in Bedlington over the years, not always for the better.
  5. I was so sad to hear of all the recent closures and those planned. I was brought up in Bedlington and i remember doing the rounds of most of the pubs with my mates. I is the way of the world today im afraid. About 3or 4 years ago, i brought my daughter to Bedlington to look around my old place,what a change their is. I didnt recognise the old woods behind beatty road. When i needed the loo we went into my old local the northumberland arms,only two people were in,one being the barmaid. This was saturday afternoon,i couldnt believe it. When i was drinking there in the sixties you coulndnt get moved on that day,it was a hub of activity. Im so sad, we thought it was dead when we were young, but we did not realise what we had,two cinemas and a strong community spirit.
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