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Stephen Marshall

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Posts posted by Stephen Marshall

  1. Hi All, "The empty deli" belongs to my dad. There was no fire. The flat next door have a major leek and the roof collapsed which also affected the upper floor of my dads place. As no one was in either properties the Police had to break down both doors to check for further damage.

    So sorry, nothing exciting. just thought id set the story straight.

  2. YES let all the VASTLY OVERPAID footballers bankers chairmen/women of multinationals council leaders etc etc and MP,S to have a rummage in their backpockets (excuse the pun) give some of their millions back to the country...

    I wonder how much this strike action will cost B.A ? would,nt it not have more cost effective to have more constructive talks than try to " BULLY" these employees regardless of the apperant fact they are the most highly paid in the industry. its no different than how the miners were treat and the unions are falling for it again and it will end in tears. Time for a bit of reverse physocology methinks ;)

    For the next BA strikes they said they would lose £5.5m per day if the strike went ahead.

  3. should a new law be passed to put a lid on these strikes first the post office now b.a and soon the trains and british gas are to go on strike. surely there has to be a limit to strike action! shouldn't they just be thankful they've got a job! :angry:

    I think they should think them selfs lucky they have a job??

    This whole BA striks is doin my head in. Unite are goin to ruin that company and send it under. BA Cabin crew and most groung crew are already the highest paid in the industry?? If your contract changes then you should just deal with it or hand your notice in??

    I think the government need to step in and put something in place to stop this sort of thing happening?? not sure what tho??

  4. Replying to last comment from Stephen:

    There is a black and white printer in the Help Hub - not colour - but black and white should be ok for CVs.

    You can make a CV in the Help Hub, email it somewhere, and print it off to take home so you've got a copy of what you sent.

    Also, many jobs make you fill in an online form. You can print this off as well, so you know what you've said if you get invited for an interview.

    One thing we can't do though at present is let you brink in disks or sticks to modify a cv you've already made. Sorry, this creates a virus risk for our PCs

    We don't see ourselves as being technical experts who know everything about the technology. Just trying to offer a basic service. For those who find they can do everything they need in the Job Centre - fine. We don't want to create a problem if there isn't one. We aim to offer a basic service of helping people who need to apply for jobs and benefits


    The only problem I can see with that is the CV. If you apply for a job online 99% of the time you have to upload your CV!! and if you can't, this will put a lot of people using the service as people won't sit there and type there C,V allover again??? Just a thought!!

  5. But yet you would still complain if it was left on the ground??? There is no pleasin some people???

    "It's a known and proven fact that dog faeces carries bacteria that can cause serious health implications"

    This my be true, but so is the rotting food and broken glass and all of the other things that are put into a rubbish bin???

    "world leaders in dog welfare advise that a dog should be trained to use a garden not whilst out walking."

    So sould kids, they should be trained to go at home and not next to an open car door at the side of a road or car park??? but it still happens????

  6. Sizsells

    I don't have a problem with either horses or dogs, I have a problem with having to try my best not to stand in it, whilst out with my 7 year old, also the fact she can't play on grassed areas on our estate due to a few irresponsible owners, or the fact that we can't place rubbish in the 3 new bins that have appeared at the entrance to our estate becasue they are full of crap bags!

    It's not the dog owners you need to get at. it's the council. They should be coming to empty the bins. If dog owner are seen to be leaving dog mess on the floor they will be fined £1000, so as a dog owner YES I will be picking it up putting it in the rubbish bin.

  7. Place is rapidly becoming a hazard area!!! and for those who do "bag" it, why can't you take it home rather than throwing it in a bush or overflowing a litter bin to the point of it being on view as you walk past!!

    Hang on.... At least if people are putting it in the bin, then it's not alover the street??? come on you can't have it all ways????

  8. Im not keen on the Idea. I would not let my kids (not that I have any) ride/walk down that small dark road next to the police station to get to the BMX track.

    I can remember the one where the police station is. It was crap. Always full of muddy puddles and kids sitting round drinkin.

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  9. I think this is a geat Idea. On one of the comments above you have mentioned that the job centre have phones that people can use for free. yes this is true, but have you tried to use them??? It's horrid... The phones are really quite and all you can hear are Kids screaming in the back ground. (not the best first impression when appling for a job) and the other key face. there is no Internet access at the job centre.

    A question to Den...

    Great Idea by the way.

    Do you have coloured printers??? The only reason im asking is because a lot of job, you have to send a CV?? and there are still alot of people who dont have a computer let alone a printer??

    The job centre off help to write a CV but have no means to print in off????

    I hope some of that made sense.x

  10. Cant access anything usefull myself by clicking that link, it just brings up a consultation page. I guess you have to be a member?

    No you can see the plans to from that link. once you click the link or open it in a new tab, you then need to click on consultation documents and the top of the middle box.

  11. This isn't what we've always done. You visited this site through a link on Facebook that you probably found as a result of promotion of the Facebook group by the members of this site :)

    This was my point??? I Found this site because of a link on another site. Other wise I would not know it existed. So the more places and people it gets to the better??

    At the Min there are more people from Bedlington using facebook and other social networking sites than this one so lets get the word about this site out there???

    The whole thing with Tommy switching the Christmas lights on would not be possible with out the facebook group??

    so if something is working, Why change it??? The best thing to do is ad to it.

  12. Yes true, but we are not talking to net-savvy teenagers here with Facebook and MySpace accounts and we can't be expecting them to be darting around signing up here, there and everywhere and be able to follow the conversation. Plus here we can authenticate who individual users are and make sure official responses are actually official responses.

    Im not here to cause a rift but The internet is not just used by "net-savvy teenagers" on Facebook.??? Have you not heard of Ivy Bean on Facebook??? She is 104 years old and she loves Facebook, Twitter the lot???? I think the More places It's out there the better???

    I think the phrase that fits this is: "If you keep doing what you've always done... you get exactly the same results" - I visited this site today, through a link I found on Facebook, does that not show that getting the word out there means that more people will pay attention.

    The problem is, that there are a lot of people in Bedlington (and surrounding areas) that do have genuinely great ideas about improving it's visability within Northumberland, but don't know about this site or how to action them.

    ...In a nutshell, people will listen more to the person with the biggest microphone - the more people that know about it, the better!

  13. Im already excited for the summer fair..

    we've proven we can.. and we WILL do something fantastic for it and get the town representives to pay attention even if it is with another facebook group. :D

    Im putting plans together in my head already ;)

    Iv Already Started a Facebook group I'll Post the link When Im done. Im trying to get Statistics and images but finding it really hard. It's like Bedlington History Has vanished

    One Question.... Was it the also know as the Miners Picnic or was that another event??

  14. Hi all

    Ok, I know Im a bit early with this one but..... Because we have now had a little bit of a do for the switching on of the Christmas lights, does this mean that we can now have a summer fair again??? When the council was asked a few years ago Why is there no street fair, We were told it was because it cost to much for the insurance and policing and they did not get enough donations by the local shop owners ??? but now they have shown that they can do it. It was so nice to see the street alive again. Bedlington used to be the place that everyone came to, now it's just a ghost town with business closing left right and center.

    Also with Tommy the eggs man switching on the lights, all because of a group of facebook I think the people have more power than we think. It's now time to fight back and get OUR BEDLINGTON BACK.

    Im sorry if none of this makes sense, I don't type very well when I get excited.

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