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Terrier_Tez last won the day on November 26 2010

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About Terrier_Tez

  • Birthday 13/12/1959

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    Bedlington Terriers
    Women (once i find one)

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  1. Wednesday 12/01/11 see's Bedlington Terriers take on South SHields at home in an re-arranged game kick off 7:30. Come along and support your local team
  2. Monday;s (27/12/10)local Derby with Ashington has been postponed
  3. Happy Birthday pete. Have a good one, and don't have to many wine gum's
  4. Thanks for the birthday wishes people Wish it was a good day. Me car packed up on the A69 and going to cost over £600 and then on wednesday found out i got a job in amble and start on 10th Jan.....without transport. How unlucky is that
  5. Congrats merlin, hope you can get in on Monday for your first day at work Not many jobs out there, am trying my best to find employment, am either to old or over experienced. Just can't win nowadays
  6. Where are the Gritters???? Took this while travelling at 10 mph coming into Bedlington at dinner time Utter disgrace
  7. You can call me what ever you like, but i thought this was the United Kingdom? Not the United Kingdom of Islam. We are slowly losing our Identity to other faiths in this country. We can't even fly our Nationaol Flag when england is playing, As i have found out from the council, that visited me and said i had to tke it down, in case it offended the Minority As a example, on the BBC News page, a girl burnt a Koran and all hell broke loose and gets Arrested, but they can burn the Union Flag and poppies on Armistise day (11/11) and they get away with it. Where has the Bulldog spirit gone in this country? That is my Opinion, and am not racist, as have friends of all creeds and colour, it is just the minority that boil my !*!@#
  8. You can call me what ever you like, but i thought this was the United Kingdom? Not the United Kingdom of Islam. We are slowly losu=ing our Identity to other faiths in this country. As a example, on the BBC News page, a girl burnt a Koran and all hell broke loose and gets Arrested, but they can burn the Union Flag and poppies on Armistise day (11/11) and they get away with it. Where has the Bulldog spirit gone in this country? That is my Opinion, and am not racist, as have friends of all creeds and colour, it is just the minority that boil my !*!@#
  9. Have just been informed The Game between Bedlington & Dunston is OFF. Could have told you yesterday, but had to wait for offical notification
  10. Merlin i know your a wizard, but i think we would need miracles to clear the pitch and get it dried out in time. So no Home game now til mid January
  11. Not yet mate. Need cooncil planning for that, and you know how slow they are
  12. I wonder if the Bedlington Terriers Game will be on tomorrow
  13. Just to refresh everybodies memories. Bedlington Terriers Supporters Club will be holding their Meeting in the Clubhouse @ 7:30pm Thursday night 25/11/10 All are welcome to attend
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  14. I think the game against Dunston Uts on Saturday maybe off if this snow keeps up
  15. Sorry addy should read : @TerriersFC
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