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Everything posted by millie

  1. cramlington town council is getting cramlington fair back on its feet so why car'nt bedlington get its finger out. i enjoyed my child hood looking foward to (bedlington picnic) until it was took to ashington & a lot more things that went on in bedlington the young ones today have nothing to look foward to these days or do we let bedlington become the forgotten town
  2. I was one of the people that started the last bedlington fair & i would love to see it return I would like to know how ashington still can hold the street fair but HSE put so many rules & regulations in our way & we had to stop it. and the police wanted a lot of money to police it
  3. iam not getting at wetherspoons iam getting at the customers who can not fined a sensible place to park lets hope we do not have to wait for an accident to happen
  4. I live in burdon terrace when they first started the red lion we had all the vans parked now we have the customers parking nearly as far up as the roundabout which is not the best in all this snow & ice. people who live here can not get parked was the parking not thought of when they took half the car park away from the red lion
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