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les last won the day on February 12 2013

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  1. Hi Ronnie, My family members lived in routledges buildings, my dad George routledge lived their as a lad. as far as i know all the family must have lived in a small terrace together. i don,t know which property but guessed it was a small home from the pictures i,ve seen, my dad was the 4th youngest of 11 kids and was born in 1916 on 28th june. his father was james and mother Isabella. my dad started work in the mines as a 14 year old bevan boy and worked in the bedlington and ashington pits before moving to tyneside andworking in the bates, fenwick and rising sun mines. his brothers and sisters were harry, henry, james, robert, chesney, kitty, jenny, (i,ll need to check the others) they used to butcher their own meats and hang them in the scullery i was told. i don,t know much else about the buildings but i have visited the area where they were and seen photos of what they looked like. have a word with Tom Routledge who runs the routledge clan society on fb and the net. http://www.clanroutledge.com/
  2. les

    Family Tree

    i am a routledge and all my family were from bedlington and the ashington area, check out the new facebook site the routledge clan page. also the routledges clan website on the net i have posted lots on there and there is about 150 members. i am after tracing long lost family members les
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