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curly last won the day on June 15 2012

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  1. bank top been done as well - the powers that be must be reading Bedlington.co.uk
  2. same reason that the grass verges are left to go wild - not enough money to cut the grass
  3. my dad (George) is in this photo
  4. both my aunt ( betty) and nana ( Cissie [cassia] Bradley nee stubbley) are in this photo
  5. looks like he's altered his page
  6. I think this breeder from isreal has got his facts totally wrong - there is only one place called bedlington and it is in northumberland http://holylamb.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24&Itemid=22 http://uk.geotargit.com/called.php?qcity=Bedlington
  7. when I posted this it was to highlight the proposed development to the public if the where not already aware - you have taken the quotes out of context- they were actually extracts from another article and not my words - however building work is building work - and I would be just as upset if they were as you put it cheap starter homes I do not mind people getting on in life if they work hard, you would think I did ...........there is plenty of brown field sites to build on it seems as if too much of bedlington GREEN sites are being used at present........
  8. permission has been applied for to build two ‘executive’ style homes in the middle of Bedlington Country Park. Like many, MAN4B is appalled that this application has even been submitted. To apply to build within an area designated as both a Local Wildlife Site and a Local Nature Reserve, particularly 'executive' housing which is out of the reach of the vast majority of Bedlington residents, is insulting and offensive to our community. This should be seen and dealt with as what it is - a money making exercise at the expense of the wildlife which has been present in this habitat for hundreds of years and also to the thousands of people who love, care for and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the Country Park. Please visit the NCC Planning website – type ‘Humford’ into the search engine and see for yourself. If you are as incensed as we are please add your objection to the many already there. https://publicaccess.northumberland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=O2Y9U3QSG0T00 https://publicaccess.northumberland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=O2Y9TBQSG0R00
  9. an issue raised by our colleagues at Bedlington Matters and Ann Pattison, an ex Humford Mill resident, MAN4B hopes that the new Strategic Planning Committee will grasp another opportunity to flex its recently acquired muscles. Why? Because permission has been applied for to build two ‘executive’ style homes in the middle of Bedlington Country Park. Like many, MAN4B is appalled that this application has even been submitted. To apply to build within an area designated as both a Local Wildlife Site and a Local Nature Reserve, particularly 'executive' housing which is out of the reach of the vast majority of Bedlington residents, is insulting and offensive to our community. This should be seen and dealt with as what it is - a money making exercise at the expense of the wildlife which has been present in this habitat for hundreds of years and also to the thousands of people who love, care for and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the Country Park. Please visit the NCC Planning website – type ‘Humford’ into the search engine and see for yourself. If you are as incensed as we are please add your objection to the many already there. https://publicaccess.northumberland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=O2Y9U3QSG0T00 https://publicaccess.northumberland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=O2Y9TBQSG0R00
  10. we've got no way of controlling kids, its all been taken away, you cannot chastise, speak to or punish children in any way. they do not respect older people, or look to them for guidence as we did. although they do not respect themselves or where they live or anything..........but woe betide if you disrespect them or theirs! this opinion does not appliy to all
  11. they obviously didn't catch all of them because one of the posts that mark the edge of the 'Wild' area next to the road at the black bridge is black as coal. or it may have been torched!
  12. - Source - http://archiveshub.a...902whitley.html well the whitley memorial and the village infants(derelect village hall) were both church of england schools and bedlington parish church St cuthberts was part of the dioses of durham so hence the connection there.
  13. never denied that...........we just don't get a lot of sunshine in the north east, i've seen some of the masive solar collectors in france close to andorra and or course there are the fields of solar collectors in california and other parts of the world, but can you imagine the hew and cry if huge areas were taken over for solar panels... no objection to peoples houses / roofs then but then again most houses arn't strong enough to take the panels but up they go anyway! and where are the viable tide power projects at present generating electricity never suggested for one moment attaching a small windmill to a house, and as for vibration........ well... if it vibrates too much its off balance!
  14. in answer to question 2 the milfield was at one time called the Dun Cow
  15. it also didn't stop opencasting at bedlington either as i recall there were 2 opencast sites, 1 where the golf course is now and another at the westlea side of bedlington and again the howard opencast which was netherton colliery
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