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Everything posted by Beck

  1. - Source - http://archiveshub.a...902whitley.html Thank you for the info!
  2. Thank you, I will!
  3. Thank you everyone for your replies, photos, and links! It is so difficult to understand the geography of a country from overseas, let alone how that geography and related terminology might have changed over the years. Your replies have been very helpful! The more I learn about your area, the more eager I am to visit and explore! I can't wait for the day my research brings me there! Thanks again! Cheers!
  4. Greetings! I'm hoping someone here can help me make sense of some local history. I'm in the U.S., but my ancestors hail from Northumberland. I have a Bible record that lists a marriage in 1894 as taking place at "Bedlington Old Church." Using those literal search terms turns up no such church. I do not know if this is because the church no longer exists or perhaps that they were referring to the church colloquially rather than by its proper name. I also did not know if back then "Bedlington" would have had a wider geographical meaning? So, back in 1894, if someone referred to the "Bedlington Old Church," to what would they be referring? Many thanks to anyone who can shed some light. I greatly look forward to visiting this church, should I ever track it down!
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