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Tonyp last won the day on August 9 2024

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About Tonyp

  • Birthday 21/04/1961

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    Budapest Hungary

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  1. Hope it’s helpful you can go back every 10 years of the census but I believe you can only look at the records that are 100 years old & later but I’m not 100% sure
  2. You can get the census records online from 100 years ago think it ancestry but you have to pay monthly subscription fee sometimes 1st month is free
  3. Lefties always borrow money
  4. Thing is if symptoms went to London now he wouldn’t find any ellagant woman there now just daily mirror readers with khan at the helm lots of good reading in that paper lol 😂
  5. As Winston Churchill said you’ll never find a rich socialist as they always borrowing money
  6. Meant towns
  7. Totally agree Vic labour belongs to London has done for years the tories run the the rich leafy town nobody cares about the rest of the country
  8. Labour supporters & other left wing activists pleased im living inHumgary
  9. I think stustep appreciated it
  10. Just saying
  11. Hi Alan don’t think anyone has gone off track what’s wrong with giving a new member information to there question we are just trying to help about the area where he’s new house is I would be interested never mind
  12. I used to have morning paper round for hollymount in the mid seventies I remember the shop having coffee vending machines in there so it might have been a supplier to factories etc I might be wrong as it was a long time ago
  13. Miners picnic 1957
  14. I put a photo on the website it was taken in the late fifties on picnic day my brother grandmother & the Herons who lived in Hollymount it was actually taken outside the the that HPW mention the photo is still there
  15. Dunno Alan but I know an Asian guy had it in the 70’s we would finish school go to the shop & was able to buy 1tab for 3p we would smoke on the back of the Raisbeck bus imagine doing that now 😂 the tab was players No6 happy days
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