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LazyBed last won the day on March 19 2016

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  1. Well The referendum is looming large on the horizon. Project fear is on the go. Pop along to the Referendum shop: 90a Front St East, Bedlington. This website's logo is about the shop. Open Wednesday 10:00 til 14:00. This will be extended towards the Referendum day on 23 Jun. We have free stuff from BREXIT groups: Grassroots Out - http://grassrootsout.co.uk/ Vote Leave - http://www.voteleavetakecontrol.org/campaign Leave.EU - https://leave.eu/en/local-groups/group/northumberland-leaveeu Better Off Out Please sign up for regular info. Pick up: Leaflets, Pens, Travel card holders, Balloons, Badges. Come and have a chat, discuss issues and voice opinions, Rio Tinto, school places, Doctor surgeries, cost to business.
  2. I see any emergency brake would need a majority vote by member nations to over rule the EU...............That makes no sense. How can a decision be implemented in the first place without a majority vote
  3. LazyBed

    Bedlington Jobs Fair

    Can I volunteer to help and do some good here? I am a Technical Project Manager in Telecoms, so I have lots of experience and knowledge to share. I would be pleased to come along and chat to people. rgds
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