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Posts posted by bluebarby

  1. On 13/10/2021 at 15:26, Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) said:

    @bluebarby would like that photo:)

    Francis Pit Bluebarby.jpg

    Both these photos are the Francis pit they are taken 180 Deg of each other. There is still one little bit of evidence left as to where it was if you know where to look. It's a retaining wall next to the burn. If you could scale it you were one of the gang!



    • Like 1
  2. You said the weekend!!!!

    Struth the world and its granny knows about the one on Wednesday and so there should they. You cant treat people the way those survivors have been treated with out some sort of backlash. Its forecast rain for Wednesday so it will probably come to nowt anyway. 

    Keep your terms of endearment to yourself by the way, its does not do you credit.




  3. On 2017-6-17 at 09:32, moe19 said:

    3G I think you  missed weaponise  the tragic  fire in London,    blame it on the Tories, the Royals, the wealthy, and anyone who has been successful  in life , send momentum and the students bought with  free tuition fees Led by  Luvies such as Silly Lilly,  all whipped up to a frenzy by our Biased Broadcasting Companies and you have the recipe for the most violent outbursts on the street of London this week end. 

    The party of hate is a very apt description, but will Jeza be able to resist joining the baying mobs as he seems to be trying to create a saintly image of himself this week .

    Watched the news tonight with eager anticipation of the violent outbursts in London forecast  ..............Nowt!

    Saw Hammond this morning forecasting an easy breakfast. But riots ...........Nowt! 

    Never mind there is always next weekend.......................

  4. I see that Farage is accusing students who could vote twice could have given Labour the edge in marginal seats. Tory students on the other hand it would appear are not capable of such underhandedness and would not dweem of doing so. 

    Ukip students on the other hand found found double voting mandatory in the attempt to save their deposits................

  5. 8 hours ago, threegee said:

    Doesn't seem too far away for the truth to me!

    I take it that this is Andy Stephenson the MP? 

    Another 'yes' man? Am I right? 

    Come on 3g get real. The Tories and new labour sold all the family silver, BT, water, steel, railways, and the rest to buy votes. The new generation being left to wi nowt. Now there is no BT, water or anything else left to by votes with is it any wonder there is a 16 to 40 year old backlash? (they are the votes that stuffed Ms Uturn) Remember East Coast? It made profits that used to put money into the governments pocket and now it goes into Bransons pocket. 

    These new voters dont remember nor care that Corbyn talked to the IRA or anyone else with a gun, He offers them hope, Ms Uturn does not.

    She will not be there much longer anyway and she and Andy Stephenson and his wishful crap will both be on their bikes.

  6. Nothing wrong with Gove?????  Good grief putting him in charge of environment is like putting a fox in charge of the chicken cree!

    Not that that would last long as he is in favour of fox hunting. Culling badgers is another of his likes as well as wanting to build houses near protected wetlands. As far as environment goes he is up there with Trump! 

    He is the sort of bloke green party members use as example when telling their kids about bogie men. 

    Not only that but Ms Uturn will need to make very certain he always stands in front of her, as Boris will testify. (She will have to keep him in front of her too.)

    As for 'poster boy' I have no political affiliation left, right or down the pan, politicians are, unfortunately, a necessary evil.

    It's time to get real 3g, with UKIP down the pan and Ms Uturn having nowhere to turn, a hard breakfast is not going to happen and soft one is looking dodgy too. The youth of the country has spoken. 

    • Like 1
  7. It just goes from worse to more worserer, now she's given that little willick Cove a job and it's not 12 months since he shafted Boris! 

    Fine stable mates those two are going to be!

    (Did you see the size of chain around her neck tonight? Prisoners in dungeons didn't get chains that size!)

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, threegee said:


    In our FPTP system being a party that has a regional concentration gives you massive leverage.  Has the North East the sense to form such a party, and of course the voters in the North East the horse sense to support it?


    The only fly in the ointment here is that first of all you need to have a trillionaire whose wife just happens to be Prime Minister  sitting on a comfortable majority who gets greedy and decides she wants a bigger majority and calls a general election. What she forgets about though is that the electorate are far more interested in food banks, free school meals, education, pensions and, most important, who's forking out for my hip replacement than they are about Johney Foreigner and his marras nipping over from Poland (and other funny sounding name countries) making a bob or two then gannin back yem (possibly with the odd hip replacement). Plus a squeaky clean socialist superstar that not even the Sun can smutty. So then this wifie who is then towld to either eat a breakfast or get on her bike (even though she hasn't got one) looses here majority and then your North East bunch of Massiveleverage come to her rescue and put a political pistol her head and demand a kings ransom for pulling her out of the sh*t. 

    Can you honestly and seriously imagine this happening? Not in a million years..............................


  9. 7 hours ago, threegee said:


    @bluebarby   Life provides you with many opportunities to make your own "fair" - if you can be ar**d!

    Well I did take the opportunities presented to me and I am quite content with the life I have had up to now. I was thinking more of little Bradley Lowery six years old and dying of cancer, orphans by the 1000's created  by wars, those in need of simple stuff like water and yes 3G, when it comes to trying to ease the burden a bit of the fellow creatures, I can be ar**d.

  10. 'My cage encompasses the entire history of our islands, and so is a far larger cage than those of the compulsive virtue signalers and miscellaneous accompanying freeloaders.  So...feel free to try!'

    You will have to excuse me here, I am but a simple pit mans laddie whose secondary education ended in 1961 at Westridge and whose further education was in mechanical engineering so I have great difficulty in making any sense of your opening paragraph, eh - as an aside -  you haven't been at the wine at all this evening have you? 

    Jeremy has his heart in the right place, but his head deeply buried in the sand.  Fortunately MOST Brits can see this, and intuitively KNOW that a clever and manipulative female is far less dangerous than a terminally deluded male saint who won't be able to control the darker forces he fronts for.  If I'm wrong about this, and you are right, then God help US ALL!

    Struth are you into religion now too? Surely Jeremy has not got you onto your knees has he?  Failing everything else you could always emigrate. 

    See what did I tell you. I knew I shouldn't have rattled his cage. I knew you two would get me into bother. But at least we have avoided rich men, poor men etc..................



  11. No! No! You are missing the point all together. What you say about orangutans is probably true but in this case totally irrelevant.

    What I am getting at is that Gateshead is just about as safe as Labour is going to get so why on a wet and dismal June night did the ‘what’s on the telly or, what have we got taped or, do you fancy an early night’ factor not kick in? I think they turned out because they had to see, in person, a politician that the country’s best loved comic has been unable to pin any smut on.  

    All through this election campaign I have been expecting at the very least a headline story about how Mr C’s dog has been having it away with next doors cat (yes, yes I know that dogs don’t usually bonk cats but this IS the Sun we are talking about!) 

    So thanks, because of you two’s replies I have probably rattled 3g’s cage now and we are in for a rich man poor man beggar man thief sermon as like as not, well you deserve it...........orangutans indeed dear me.

  12. On a more serious note I do like the advert for the 'Can't Be Arsed Party' which is, according to the advert  the country's biggest political party. 

    In the past too much blood was spilt, too many bones broken, too many bruised bodies and too many pumped out stomachs to allow such a party to exist. 

    I personally don't care who anyone votes for that is their decision but the important thing is that all those who are entitled a vote should turn up at the polling station, if they don't like any of the candidates then that does not matter simply spoil your voting slip, the important thing is that you turned up. 

    • Like 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, webtrekker said:

    The whole thing is a disaster. We may yet end up with Tom and Jerry running the country!

    Personally I would prefer Tom and Jerry to the May - or - May not -or- May be - or May be not -or - possibly not - or - why not Party.

    Pity  the Monster Raving Looney or whatever party haven't put up a serious candidate, although having said that, the May or May not Party do have Borris which is a near enough Raving Loony I suppose. Then if you are really hard up for choice there is the "Fararge Balloon Lot"........................

  14. On 2017-5-24 at 07:48, Kevin1956 said:

    There's some very knowledgeable folk on here with memories far superior to mine and I'm looking for some help - my Family (The Leonards of Netherton (3rd Street) & Bedlington (Meadowdale, Red House Farm, Ridge Terrace and the Raas) - Ned/Edward (Grandad), Joe (my Dad), Edward & Martin) worked at Netherton, Ellington and the Doctor Pit. My Granda (Lambert Bellerby) at Ashington Workshops and I believe the Aald Pit. I'm trying desperately to add some meat to the bone of our Family Tree and wondered if anyone could give me any related stories, dates, jobs at the Pits etc - long shot I know but reading some of the posts here, I'm sure someone can give me some help to fill in some of the blanks.

    I remember all of the Leonards well in third street especially your granddad and your dad who were the pigeon men! 

    I have spent an hour or so tonight hunting out this photo of the presentation night of the Netherton Pigeon Club, probably from the mid 60's and held in the Grapes. It shows Tommy Hopper (left) dishing out the prizes and the men receiving them are Rob Scott, my uncle, Ted Stewart (Father of Ruby Stewart who's photos of her in Netherton band have been shown recently) and on the right is your Dad Joe Leonard. 


  15. On 2017-5-15 at 13:46, threegee said:

    Well, sonny, you are now talking about 100 years ahead.  But you see that's what the dishonest Labour people will do in the future.  They'll want to apply emotive images of the past to future situations when your children and their children have progressed way beyond what we can imagine today.  And they'll want to pretend that this advancement was solely due to them and not due to the aspirations that we all share.


    P.S. Happy to tackle your now outed questions directly bb, but can we cut out the silly emotive stuff that is designed to appeal to the politically naive (in Emily Thornberry contemptuous style) - there aren't too many of those left - in case you haven't noticed! :)

    Just returned from holiday and must apologise for ruffling a hair or two (it was intended) but I needed to know exactly where you, and your followers, politically stood, now I know I shall leave you in peace. You shall hear of me no more.

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