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    Filmaking, Video Production, Broadcast Media

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  1. Yes, will be down there on the day. Going live on Beach Hut TV as well!
  2. I will be working on this event but have not had a meeting about full plans for this year will keep you guys updated for sure
  3. until
    DW Media in collaboration with the Bedlington Picnic brings to you the first “Battle Of The Bands Northumberland”. This year we are hosting the event on the 1st July 2017 at the Bedlington Picnic at Atlee Park in Bedlington. The event is free for all and will be happening on stage between 3pm and 6pm
  4. Picnics at the ready! It's back! The Bedlington community is pleased to welcome back there community lead event, “The Bedlington Picnic”. After last year’s great success the Bedlington community has begun planning their next event. Already the planning group has been donated £2000 by Former Northumberland County Council Councillor Val Tyler to make this year a success. DW Media has also volunteered his services this year by donating some equipment for the event along with a photo studio where guests can have their photo taken with props and some familiar faces…. Also back this year is the Bedlington Terriers football club who will be running activates for the day. The date has been set for the 1st July which will see local music, talent, businesses and food for the whole family to enjoy. Organiser Vic Thomson said “This is a great opportunity for local people to get involved with their community and show we can come together to make something great!” Entry is free to the event with entertainment running all day for the whole family. The event is still open for more community lead groups and businesses buy stall space by going to the Facebook page Bedlington Picnic or by looking on the website www.bedlingtonpicnic.co.uk
  5. Yes or by emailing dantvuk_shows@outlook.com
  6. I am very pleased to announce that The Northumberland Tour will be filming parts of its Documentary in Bedlington. The online series is traveling around Northumberland shooting interviews and capturing events. Over the next few weeks you may see two presenters in the town doing piece to camera and gathering interviews with locals. If you want to have an interview please contact us. If you have any questions about the documentary feel free to post them. Or alternatively email dantvuk_shows@outlook.com
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