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Peter Turner

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Posts posted by Peter Turner

  1. Does any one have a map of the small holdings in Barrington, from around early 1900. My great, great Grandfather (Ernest Pulling Turner) had an Alotments there, he managed to support his large family and make a small living from growing food. At least for a while anyway. Soon afterwards he ended up working down the pit like most people back then. I'd love to see the location. 

    I've been researching the Turner family history for a year now, and have earthed some  great documents, photos and general information. 

  2. Does any one have a map of the small holdings in Barrington, from around early 1900. My great, great Grandfather (Ernest Pulling Turner) had a Alotments there, he managed to support his large family and make a small living from growing food. At least for a while anyway. Soon afterwards he ended up working down the pit like most people back then. I'd love to see the location. 

    I've been researching the Turner family history for a year now, and have used earthed for great documents, photos and general information. 


  3. All four photographs of Puddlers Row, Bank top, Bedlington were kindly sent to me by Mr Jack Earl. He was born at number 20 Puddlers Row in 1939. 

    Jack contacted me through a request for photos of Puddlers Row in the local history magazine ' Creeful of Coals. 

    Many thanks to Jack for the only photo I've ever seen of Puddlers Row. 



    Back of Puddlers Row.jpg

    Jimmy & Doreen.jpg

    Eric Walker.jpg

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  4. This photo shows the Uslar family. They lived 1, Staith Quay , Bank Top, Bedlington.

    This was located down on the banks of the river Blyth, next to the railway bridge.

    As you can see it's the wooden bridge. The metal bridge replaced it by 1931. 

    The Usler's married in 1911 , so at a guess this photo could date between 1920- 25 


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  5. That's a great picture of the Wooden Bridge. The property's you mention unfortunately is not Staith Quay. The location is along the river, looking eastwards. A bus company has a yard there now, and previously I think it was a factory. 

    The original location is sutuated just below the car road bridge on the Spine Rd. When driving southbound it would be on your left , just as you start to drive over the bridge. 




    • Thanks 1
  6. I think you could be right on the location of Puddlers Row. 

    Thanks for the map. 

    My Great, Great Grandfather (Ernest Pulling Turner) lived with his family at Staithes Quay, Bank top, Bedlington Station. It was located down by the waters edge of the river Blyth.

    These were slum dwellings, and he was living there on the 1911 census. I've also tried finding a photo of this place. Can anyone help?. 

  7. My Grandfather Ernest William Turner was born at 9 Puddlers Row, Bank Top, Bedlington Station in 1921. 

    I am involved in researching and compiling my family history, and would love to see any photos of Puddlers (Raa).

    I searched the Woodhorn Archives for a photo but couldn't find any. 

    If anyone has one can you send it to -  peterturner191068.pt@gmail.com



    Peter Turner

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