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Everything posted by MichaelDavidson

  1. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I have been out of town for a while so I'll try and contact the Local History Society.
  2. I know this discussion is really about the mine and the building around it. Thomas Davison was one of the original owners but there doesn't seem to be much more than a simple listing of his name on the DMM site. Was wondering who he was and when did he actually sell his share in the mine? 1860? I have an ancestor from this area, wife was from Bedlington, children born in Horton Parish in early 1880s.
  3. I have seen reference to the owners of the Bedlington colliery in 1850s as Davison, Easton, Anderson, Stodart, Bates & Henderson. Thomas Davison was mentioned in a booked called "A History of Northumberland". 1909. Is there any way one could find out more about this "Thomas Davison" and his family? My family history research is point to this guy as my great great grandfather. Was the colliery sold to someone else between 1855 and 1860? It is my belief that he retired soon after this, moving his entire family to Ontario, Canada.
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