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Carol Hodge

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Carol Hodge last won the day on October 11 2024

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    After a successful tour across England, Wales and Scotland this summer, piano-playing singer-songwriters Carol Hodge and Julia Othmer are reuniting for another round of the Selenite Songs Tour in November 2024. From the unlikely locations of Huddersfield, Yorkshire and Kansas City, USA, these artists have been holding a unique songwriting pen pal correspondence since December 2023. The Selenite Songs tour features songs Carol and Julia wrote during this ongoing songwriting project and includes conversation about the process and the stories behind each song. There is an element of audience participation, including a live co-creation with the crowd, ensuring each night of the tour is a magically unique experience. Expect two women, two pianos, two voices and a night to remember! Support on the night comes from the fabulous Stellar Anderson. Tickets available now: https://www.carolhodge.co.uk/product-page/gig-ticket-east-bedlington-5th-november-2024
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