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  1. Brilliant will certainly go to the archives and visit the church.
  2. Hi i live on Ashington so i think i will have a drive over to have a look at where tge church was. Thank you for the info,
  3. Could you do both if poss
  4. Forgot to say i have the obituary bit i woukd be interested in any other paper cuttings you may have
  5. Thank you so much this. You are right with rbe obituary, i got the age. wrong. The sad thing is my mam was born one month after he died. Thank you for the information about the church. What a really helpful site this is.
  6. Thanks for getting backto me. My grandparents were John and Elizabeth (nee Burrell) Morton. Their son Edward died in March 1929 judt before his 2nd birthday. It is him who I think is eas interred at the church yard. Thanks
  7. I have the obituary which says Cambels Churrch yard. My grandparents lived in Wilkinsons buildings Red row (not near Hadston) so cambois could be right.
  8. Not sure if this is the right area to post on. I am researching my family and have a member who was buried at the above, can anyone let me know where this is. Thank you.
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