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Posts posted by fdavey86

  1. ok while i don't agree with the whole clamping thing (i have said enough on that), i have to give the tavern it's due it is clean, food ok, drinks same as everwhere (well most decent places) they got rid of the !*!@# and are making a real go of it...............good luck!

    Clamping wrong but, pub fine think you need to see it to believe it really completely different from what is was.

  2. not to be funny or anything, but don't you think it's wrong that the clampping happens barlass? i mean you make money out of it regradless of how much you profit from it. the people who you clamp could be potential customers! they may park there walk around the front and see what you are advertising and come back in in the future if they don't park there they will cut through sommerfields do their shopping and never see it!

    i think that while you are getting a profit from this (again nobody care how much profit you get some!) other pubs will be doing better will they not? e.g. red lion, the wharton, the grapes market club etc....

    i wouldnt drink there no just because of what happened to that elderly lady. just on prinicple. it's not very community spirited of the pubs is it?

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