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  1. Hello, Been a few years. Just sent heaps of old photos to Joyce c/- Bedlington Family History group before coming back to this site. My husbands father came out to Austalia with his parents when he was three. His mother's father (Lilly Dixon) missed their daughter very much. Also another sister came out also to Melbourne-Alice. Jospeh Peascod Dixon died about 1955. Married Winifred Brown their children Alice married Harry Bell and emigrated to Melbourne Lilly married Thomas Gray and emigrated to Melbourne Gertie ? Minnie married James Nicholson who lived at 19 Market Place Bedlington Winnie married James Watson (still living) Also on the Gray side there are family from Bedlington. Ancestor James Gray born June 1856. Feel free to email me if you are in the line Cheers Val Gray Melbourne Australia
  2. Hi all, Just came to this site after a few years away How is Bedlington these days? My husband and I spent a week there with friends in Bedlington last October. Many moons ago my father in law was born there-Joe Gray.Came out to Australia when he was three with his parents. He is desceased now. We were going through some old photos that the family sent to their daughter from Bedlington to Australia back from 1930's. One member of the family was just going to burn them! so we rescued them. Even a photo of the Red Lion back then and photos of Doctor Pit mine Cheers for now Val
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