Hi iwas born in barrington 1955 in double row(born at home)i lived thier till i was 11, if i can correct a few things, the shirt factory was the glove factory one after the other ,the post office was a house on office row which also sold a few groceries,the football field was used by the school when playing other schools,the school was where the tyre place is now,next to the house that still stands on the road side.there was also a brick works at barrington which used the clay from the quarry at barrington.the cracket you refer to i new and his son lives or lived at choppington colin cracket.i remember the coop it was not much more than a shed.i used to ride the pit ponies when they came up for there holidays. i can remember stories of a german fighter plane being brought down near there during world war 2. if any of the old timers are on here my father was Taffy Jones everybody new him. if anybody needs any info on who lived where just ask and i will ask my brother he can recount all the families,Bazz. if anybody has any old photos of barrington please mail them to me as we are collecting old photos to show our kids,thanks.