But.. it's only what they've been taught! http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/624461/Everett-Pipe-Oklahoma-Wesleyan-University How long will Dr Piper stay in his job? Well, judging by the longevity of the career of any other academic speaking out against the our brave new PC world, not very long I'd wager! How can we allow this cultural takeover to happen? It's only possible because ordinary people don't speak out, and allow themselves to be cowed by these pseudo-intellectuals. Bread and Circuses - whilst the unproductive elites in non-jobs feed on Cake! When this becomes so bleedingly-obvious - as in the case of Teflon Tony - well... apply an extra helping of doublethink, and pretend that he changed at some vaguely undefined point, and that Blair doesn't represent the entire dystopian system!