So Angela Merkel is so p'd off with the yanks for bugging her private phone, and likely all her digital communications, that she's lobbying similarly minded eurocrats to set up new infrastructure that's totally under European (read her) control. This raises the obvious question as to whether you'd trust Fritz any more than Uncle Sam. I think the answer from the UK should be that we are staying with the devil we know - you can spend your own money on this Angela, not ours! Of course this is just something else we'll have our minds made up for us on, as the "good Europeans" we are. If there's any UK money to be spent in the wake of all this it should go on a national monument to Edward Snowden. Who, despite all the huffing an puffing from the likes of O'Barmy and Creepy Clinton, is in fact a very brave and well motivated soul. We should - at very least - be offering to pay the Ruskies his board and lodging!