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About the Venue


Upcoming Events


This event began 21/06/17 and repeats every week on Wednesday forever

Twinkle Toes Social Dance is a friendly and open event for anyone with an interest in dancing. It is not a class, nor is it a lesson; it is a place for people to come together and share their skills and experience. Perhaps tonight you will learn how to foxtrot... or perhaps tonight you will show someone how to salsa!
There is no dress code, simply wear something comfortable that you can move in. You don't need to bring a partner either, but of course the more the merrier.
Entry is £3.50, which includes participation in our weekly bingo game, with a great prize to be won every week.We have a great venue which is fully accessible, a very reasonably priced licensed bar, and it's a great way to stay active and make new friends.

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This event began 08/08/19 and repeats every week forever

Info from  
Stacey Chisholm Price  = Cambois Facebook group = Fancy a game of bingo and a nice hot drink pop along to the buffet car cafe at Platform 1 tomorrow morning at 10.30, £3 for 6 or £1.50 for 3 -  all money paid in is paid out


Platform 1
pnodsreotS7a46m h2 ti61428h61713arg211lM0m:a01gmh21cl1uf ufc  ·     Fizzyfish return to Platform 1 on Friday 28th March! 

Fantastic night guaranteed!! 

 We are now also trialing the use of eventbrite to purchase tickets! Link below (please be mindful that service charge will be applied): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/.../fizzy-fish-friday-28th...
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