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Did Dan Aykroyd Save The Day?

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Guest missvic

The mind is a strange place… sometimes you can’t even remember last night’s Eastenders yet other times you really might think that you can just about get a grip on Space-Time…

Of late, my mind has been on other things… a news story that I vaguely remember from some time that was perhaps the 1990s. And maybe in the Evening Chronicle, Journal or Sunday Sun. It related to a (possible) military plane crash off the coast of Northumberland, where one of the first people on the scene was the Hollywood actor Dan Aykroyd… Dan (as I don’t think he would mind me calling him) was in Northumberland as he said he visited frequently as it was one of his favourite places in the world as he discovered after filming here once…

I have tried hours of googling to no avail (though it most probably happened before the papers kept online records), yet a number of local folk I have spoken to seem to think they remember it too… some of the obstacles I have met however are that I can’t seem to find records of a plane crash and that IMBD doesn’t show any of wor Dan’s films as shot in Northumberland!

I now fear that it could all be a dream, but thought someone on here could help me… no Ghostbusters jokes, please


The mind is a strange place… sometimes you can’t even remember last night’s Eastenders yet other times you really might think that you can just about get a grip on Space-Time…

Of late, my mind has been on other things… a news story that I vaguely remember from some time that was perhaps the 1990s. And maybe in the Evening Chronicle, Journal or Sunday Sun. It related to a (possible) military plane crash off the coast of Northumberland, where one of the first people on the scene was the Hollywood actor Dan Aykroyd… Dan (as I don’t think he would mind me calling him) was in Northumberland as he said he visited frequently as it was one of his favourite places in the world as he discovered after filming here once…

I have tried hours of googling to no avail (though it most probably happened before the papers kept online records), yet a number of local folk I have spoken to seem to think they remember it too… some of the obstacles I have met however are that I can’t seem to find records of a plane crash and that IMBD doesn’t show any of wor Dan’s films as shot in Northumberland!

I now fear that it could all be a dream, but thought someone on here could help me… no Ghostbusters jokes, please


I can`t remember anything about that? :unsure:

I remember something about him off Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) and some car crash in Blyth sometime though :D

Anyway Missvic moderater..this should be in Chat Central :D

Guest missvic
I can`t remember anything about that? :unsure:

I remember something about him off Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) and some car crash in Blyth sometime though :D

Anyway Missvic moderater..this should be in Chat Central :D

Moved as requested! :D

As for Broderick... is that realy true? Was he over here with Dan?

Moved as requested! :D

As for Broderick... is that realy true? Was he over here with Dan?

Turns out the crash happened in Ireland :D It must have just been in the News Post Leader?? :unsure: Or i dreamt it :lol:

As for Dan, i think he was just Trading Places with Eddie Murphey :lol:

The mind is a strange place… sometimes you can’t even remember last night’s Eastenders yet other times you really might think that you can just about get a grip on Space-Time…

Of late, my mind has been on other things… a news story that I vaguely remember from some time that was perhaps the 1990s. And maybe in the Evening Chronicle, Journal or Sunday Sun. It related to a (possible) military plane crash off the coast of Northumberland, where one of the first people on the scene was the Hollywood actor Dan Aykroyd… Dan (as I don’t think he would mind me calling him) was in Northumberland as he said he visited frequently as it was one of his favourite places in the world as he discovered after filming here once…

I have tried hours of googling to no avail (though it most probably happened before the papers kept online records), yet a number of local folk I have spoken to seem to think they remember it too… some of the obstacles I have met however are that I can’t seem to find records of a plane crash and that IMBD doesn’t show any of wor Dan’s films as shot in Northumberland!

I now fear that it could all be a dream, but thought someone on here could help me… no Ghostbusters jokes, please


Think he saved the day in "spys like us"


could be the same day over and over again.............just like ground hog day.........

could be the same day over and over again.............just like ground hog day.........

A bit like this place :lol:


now then.... now then ...... how did they make marshmellow man ??????????


hie real name is "Daniel Edward Aykroyd" d.o.b 1 July 1952, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

now then.... now then ...... how did they make marshmellow man ??????????

Thats easy, it was Pereli man in disguise and inflated.


Thats easy, it was Pereli man in disguise and inflated.


that alot of p.s.i.

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