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Bedlington 1, Internet 0 : What Is Going On?

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Guest missvic

I was wondering if anyone could help me here...

I'm having a few problems accessing the internet from time to time, but this appears to be becomming more frequent (like 3 times today)...

Anyway, I'm unable to access most sites, including my ISP homepage, BBC and Microsoft stuff... In fact the only page that it seems to allow me access is Bedlington.co.uk! This seems to be up to date, and allows me to navigate the site as usual... it seems to do this on most occasions when I am unable to access any other site elsewhere...

Usually, with a switch off of the pc and of the wireless box it seems to put itself right... but it's a reet hassle if there's limited edition 7" you're trying to outbid someone for! I have just installed the 2008 edition of Norton, but think that this problem may have occured once or twice before I did so... I am kinda suspecting something to do with automatic updates as they always seem to be downloading, but I don't really know why it would effect everything but this site...

Any ideas?!

Thanks! :)

I was wondering if anyone could help me here...

I'm having a few problems accessing the internet from time to time, but this appears to be becomming more frequent (like 3 times today)...

Anyway, I'm unable to access most sites, including my ISP homepage, BBC and Microsoft stuff... In fact the only page that it seems to allow me access is Bedlington.co.uk! This seems to be up to date, and allows me to navigate the site as usual... it seems to do this on most occasions when I am unable to access any other site elsewhere...

Usually, with a switch off of the pc and of the wireless box it seems to put itself right... but it's a reet hassle if there's limited edition 7" you're trying to outbid someone for! I have just installed the 2008 edition of Norton, but think that this problem may have occured once or twice before I did so... I am kinda suspecting something to do with automatic updates as they always seem to be downloading, but I don't really know why it would effect everything but this site...

Any ideas?!

Thanks! :)

I've had this asked a few times, and the reply always seems to be the same...

its corrupt files...

basically, make sure you defragment your harddrive often, as a fragmented cookie plays war with browsers.

clear your browser cache and temp internet files regularly, as well as general housekeeping.

and, if you want a good program, try ccleaner.

99.9% of the PC's i work with have worked faster and more efficiently after the basic cleanup from this program.

However, with this program comes a bundle...

The dreaded toolbar and registry cleaner.

The toolbar can be solved by unticking the option during instalation (look carefully for the check-box)

as for the registry cleaner...i NEVER reccomend them, so just dont use this particular feature.....

Downloadable at www.ccleaner.com

or ----->>>>>CLICK HERE<<<<<----

for the latest version.


It's unlikely to have anything to do with the local file system. The clue - I think - is in the question:

Usually, with a switch off of the pc and of the wireless box it seems to put itself right...

So.. don't reset both, just reset one at a time, and see which it is that fixes the problem. It's likely some table filling up. I can vaguely remember a similar problem some years back with a ISDN setup, the box had to be rebooted every few weeks.

Something else you can do is collect a short list of IPs for websites and check that they always get you to their respective sites. If you can reliably access sites with only IPs and stil have problems with some of those accessed through domain names, then it's a name server (DNS) related problem - and that significantly narrows down where to look for a solution.

Guest missvic

Thanks for the help!

Mr D..

I do the usual clean ups, defragments and the like regularly, but have found them to be unhelpful in this instance. Toolbars are awful things and I try to take off any that occur.


Turning off the pc sometimes works. As does wireless box. The latter is only done when I'm desperate as it entails fiddling with plugs. Neither are a surefire solution, and often waiting the length of time it takes for either of the two to start up again can do the trick. As the pc is on the majority of the time without anyone on it, I wonder if this is something that is happening all the time without knowing? As for the DNS thingy... I get confused once all the jargon gets involved... but think I understand enough to answer that basically, it's ALL websites (well all that I tried: google, That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds, local government, hotmail etc) EXCEPT bedlington.co.uk! Is there somthing special about the site? I know Bedlington is pretty good, but this is amazing!


Hammersnipe... wow! This is the best thing since the internet was invented! Ever! I can now get out the house and do things like sleep instead of waiting for inconveniently timed auctions. Thanks! Sorry to hear of your loss of internets also, btw.


I was wondering if anyone could help me here...

I'm having a few problems accessing the internet from time to time, but this appears to be becomming more frequent (like 3 times today)...

Anyway, I'm unable to access most sites, including my ISP homepage, BBC and Microsoft stuff... In fact the only page that it seems to allow me access is Bedlington.co.uk! This seems to be up to date, and allows me to navigate the site as usual... it seems to do this on most occasions when I am unable to access any other site elsewhere...

Usually, with a switch off of the pc and of the wireless box it seems to put itself right... but it's a reet hassle if there's limited edition 7" you're trying to outbid someone for! I have just installed the 2008 edition of Norton, but think that this problem may have occured once or twice before I did so... I am kinda suspecting something to do with automatic updates as they always seem to be downloading, but I don't really know why it would effect everything but this site...

Any ideas?!

Thanks! :)

who is your isp? if its bt then mine does it all the time. i can only access tinternet by ethernet cable.same on two different laptops.

who is your isp? if its bt then mine does it all the time. i can only access tinternet by ethernet cable.same on two different laptops.

:o How do you survive man???!!!?!!?

I dont think i can take a dump nowerdays without my laptop and mousebreaker.com....

I think i may be giving out too much personal info here..... :huh:

:o How do you survive man???!!!?!!?

I dont think i can take a dump nowerdays without my laptop and mousebreaker.com....

I think i may be giving out too much personal info here..... :huh:

i got a long cable :o:o:P

who is your isp? if its bt then mine does it all the time. i can only access tinternet by ethernet cable.same on two different laptops.

To anyone having problems with accessing the internet, if you are on BT and are using the BT Homehub, it may be to do with the last round of firmware updates to 6.2.6.E causing the problem. You need to log onto the hub with http://api.home and if your hub has been upgraded it will ask you to set a new admin password. Once in have a play round with the wireless settings, alternately on the computer side, check your wireless adapter. If it is an Intel wireless adapter, go to http://www.intel.com and update the drivers, there is a known issue with Intel adapters and BT Hubs at the moment. I know there another version of the hub firmware currently being released.

(If none of this works, ring 0800 1114567, BT helpdesk)


Hope this helps.

Guest missvic

Could the new Norton 2008 be causing my problems? Or some other automatic update type thing? I have just tried to access the internet again while scans and the like are happening and the same thing is going on.

I can, however, continue to access this site and this site only. And I still don't know why!

Could the new Norton 2008 be causing my problems? Or some other automatic update type thing? I have just tried to access the internet again while scans and the like are happening and the same thing is going on.

I can, however, continue to access this site and this site only. And I still don't know why!

One way to find out is to temporarily turn Norton off while trying to access other sites, also (assuming you're using XP or Vista) go to Start, Run type cmd press Enter, then in the command box type :-

ping www.bbc.co.uk - this is to rule out any connection problems and may point to your browser being problematic

if unsuccessfull with pinging the bbc site, then try ipconfig /flushdns then try the ping www.bbc.co.uk again.

If still not working then try turning your router off then on again. Hope this helps.

Guest missvic

One way to find out is to temporarily turn Norton off while trying to access other sites, also (assuming you're using XP or Vista) go to Start, Run type cmd press Enter, then in the command box type :-

ping www.bbc.co.uk - this is to rule out any connection problems and may point to your browser being problematic

if unsuccessfull with pinging the bbc site, then try ipconfig /flushdns then try the ping www.bbc.co.uk again.

If still not working then try turning your router off then on again. Hope this helps.

Switching off Norton still isn't helping. I can now get on to my (orange) homepage, but nowt more.

As for pinging? It (being the computer) says I sent and received 4 pings in an average of 55ms. Is this good?

Have I pung?

Switching off Norton still isn't helping. I can now get on to my (orange) homepage, but nowt more.

As for pinging? It (being the computer) says I sent and received 4 pings in an average of 55ms. Is this good?

Have I pung?

Yeah you've 'pung' :D we now need to find out if you can access sites via their 'phone number', in your address bar type (This is the 'phone number' of bbc.co.uk), this should get you to bbc website, if successful try http://www.bbc.co.uk. If these are both unsuccessful, try clearing out your browser history and temp files (If you're using IE, typically MS set the defaults to 10% of your HD size), I personally would reduce the temp folder size to approx 10MB.

Guest missvic
Just out of interest, which router are you using? Is it the Orange Livebox or something else?

I am using an Orange (well Wanadoo) livebox. It seems to be working. Well... after the pinging attempt I can now surf both Bedlington.co.uk and the BBC site! Nowt much more though. Hey, this is just like 1997 all over again.

  • 4 months later...

I had a similer experience just a few days ago with AOL.

it would allow me to go to any website, with the exception of Facebook, the CBS forum i frequent and my MSN hotmail account inbox.

after a lengthy conversation with AOL, it seems it was due to an update in our area than did not install correctly, and the problem went away within the hour... Strange eh??

Anyways, did your problem resolve itself? and if so...what was the solution?

I had a similer experience just a few days ago with AOL.

it would allow me to go to any website, with the exception of Facebook, the CBS forum i frequent and my MSN hotmail account inbox.

after a lengthy conversation with AOL, it seems it was due to an update in our area than did not install correctly, and the problem went away within the hour... Strange eh??

Anyways, did your problem resolve itself? and if so...what was the solution?

It did resolve itself somewhat mysteriously. But I'm not complaining.

Excitingly though, I have other PC issues with a corrupt live update downloading, which has been fixed by Microsoft and Norton assisting me by taking control of my computer from their end with a remote link thingy! It was totally amazing! We are truly living in the future now, and I love it!


Yeah, i have several computers i maintain on a regular basis.

for this i use a utility called "LogMeIn" which allows me to take control of the other computer as tho i was sat infront of it.

it always amazes the other party to see their computer apparently 'fixing itsself'!

also a very good way of demonstrating how to do something to someone by 'show and tell' rather than by written directions.

Very handy!

Pleased you got sorted tho ;)

for this i use a utility called "LogMeIn" which allows me to take control of the other computer as tho i was sat infront of it.

You probably don't need to use this facility as "Remote Desktop" is more than likely already included with your Windows installation (assuming you are using a Windows PC of course).

You probably don't need to use this facility as "Remote Desktop" is more than likely already included with your Windows installation (assuming you are using a Windows PC of course).

and its a great utility... if you have anything but the home version.

unfortunatly you need a Win XP Pro computer to initiate the connection at minimum (i believe) and something higher than vista home basic.

LogMeIn is web based, with only a small file upload needed, and does what i need, for free!

if you know of a way i can access other pc's with no user interaction from the slave pc, even from the windows login page, without a 3rd party utility, on XP home, i'll be keen to hear it ;)


I stand corrected I was not aware that it was not included with XP home.

if you know of a way i can access other pc's with no user interaction from the slave pc, even from the windows login page, without a 3rd party utility, on XP home, i'll be keen to hear it ;)

If that is possible then there is a more serious issue that needs resolving on the slave PC.

If that is possible then there is a more serious issue that needs resolving on the slave PC.


its not a case of accessing any pc anywhere, i have to be physically at the slave pc in the first instance to add the software to the administrator account, and encrypt it to only allow myself access, but once its installed, its a simple enough process to access it after that.

of course, the utility can be turned off at the slave pc with a simple mouse click, if required, disabling my access until it is re-enabled.

As for the home thing, i had to be corrected too, as i had a xp pro laptop to begin with, and couldnt understand why i couldnt get it to work on the new one! lol

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