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Predicting Crime

Malcolm Robinson

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No monsta, you'll undoubtedly be labeled as malleable material and will be presented with a nice shiny uniform.

Until someone discovers that you attended that BNP meeting, and your file (they've probably got one on you already) gets dusted-off! Then as a dissident you'll need to be "re-educated" I'm afraid. :D

sorry like but i find it hard to understand why being a member of the BNP is such a bad thing? do british muslims who are part of pro-muslim groups get thrown out of there jobs? ok the BNP has a checkered past but so does the koran and its multiple interpretations. this country has gone to the dogs we no longer rules the waves we now just say sorry and bend over for every one! meks you sick. like this Goolywog (misspelt on purpose!) lark i grew up with the goolywog on the roberston jar and thought nowt of it until some coloured person made a scene about it and now its "racist" more like B*llicks.

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sorry like but i find it hard to understand why being a member of the BNP is such a bad thing? do british muslims who are part of pro-muslim groups get thrown out of there jobs? ok the BNP has a checkered past but so does the koran and its multiple interpretations. this country has gone to the dogs we no longer rules the waves we now just say sorry and bend over for every one! meks you sick. like this Goolywog (misspelt on purpose!) lark i grew up with the goolywog on the roberston jar and thought nowt of it until some coloured person made a scene about it and now its "racist" more like B*llicks.

Your not wrong there Monsta another example is a black board in schools not allowed anymore you have to have a white board. sad thing is I work with alot of people of different nationality and they all say its not them that make the complaints and I believe them because its usually the MPs and local councilors that cry racist because they are afraid of loosing votes.

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i can post a view on this because i was directly affected.

My son came home in tears one day because him and his mates got took to the head teacher, for singing 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' in the school yard about 5 years ago.

apparently its got to be 'white sheep'

i went in to ask why this was, to be told by the head it was because we cant single out minority's in any situations.

Blue cow has alot to answer for if thats the case! :blink:

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Your not wrong there Monsta another example is a black board in schools not allowed anymore you have to have a white board.

I think it has more to do with the practicality of black markers on a shiny white board being more effective and accurate a presentation device than the old chalk and board combo. No race issues, just bad urban myths.

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What absolute guff.

Stalin killed millions of his own citizens. Our government is being overly zealous in trying to prevent terrorist attacks.

Get some perspective.

Isn't GGG showing perspective HP? I can't see anywhere where he says GB is committing genocide? Rather he is comparing state control in totalitarian states. How you feel about that will depend on your point of view and of course GB Ltd isn't quite one of those yet. However the most uber reactionary Home Secretaries I have lived under were supposedly socialist ones, blind Pew would have had us all stripped, dipped and tagged, Straw the same, good job his lad was on happy baccey and the former had a penchant for sexual peccadilloes! I wonder if they read Mr. "O"s' books....

"All animals are equal, except some are more equal than others!"

I can't help thinking we all have a debt to the memory of our ancestors who fought and died trying to protect these shores from just this sort of thing. A mere 60 years later and we are giving away the protections they died trying to defend. What seems to happen is that people are whipped up into a state of fear and agree to very draconian legislation to combat that fear. However the very legislation introduced debase our society in such a way as to make the very thing were are trying to protect worthless. It is a classic ruse all totalitarian states use.

Monsta you can belong to any political party you want but there is one golden rule, you have to hold respect for others above all else. Why, because if you don't give respect why should anyone respect your views and if they don't you don't get your message across to a broader congregation. At times of national crisis there is always a surge of popularity in far right parties because people like to have scapegoats and blame anyone, preferably a minority, for their troubles rather than themselves. I would just stop and wonder if someone isn't pressing the buttons of our inbuilt prejudice, which we all have, to further their own ends.

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There's a fair bit of evidence that the BNP (or elements of the BNP) have been behind the recent strikes in league with the far left. This isn't at all strange as they are both anti-libertarian and after a centrally run economy. The differences are only in inconsequential details and semantics.

It's always a very few people that make things happen, no more so than in our present emasculated UK democracy. And dismissing then both as tiny minorities who will never get power is a dangerous thing to do. As Mr Hoon and others show, when time get really tough all sorts of people you'd have considered moderates start to show their true colours and amazing alliances develop.

The veneer of democracy is very thin in the UK. No one knows this more than the present incumbents who are **** scared of the possibilities of civil unrest if/when the economic situation gets worse. We've been in headless chicken syndrome for many months now, and the sad truth is that Gordon Brown is an extremely weak minded and gutless PM, in (sort of) control of a party of career politicians who couldn't run a proverbial in a brewery! But there are people (even in his own party) who will step in to fill the power vacuum when things self-destruct, and you shouldn't take anything they say at face value. They will also use any hook on power that is available to them, and stretch it past any supposed limit to retain power. Don't dismiss the possibilities of a totalitarian government in the UK it's very real.

Look back to the posts on the Northern Rock crisis here. Would you have believed then that this prefaced the meltdown of the entire banking system? My own pessimism on the matter turned out to be more than justified. The point is that things are far more interdependent and than anyone can possibly imagine (look at how the First World War started). That goes for the threads on this board too, so here I will stop lest I start on about the state of the economy and the chances of a major depression.

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There's a fair bit of evidence that the BNP (or elements of the BNP) have been behind the recent strikes in league with the far left. This isn't at all strange as they are both anti-libertarian and after a centrally run economy. The differences are only in inconsequential details and semantics.

It's always a very few people that make things happen, no more so than in our present emasculated UK democracy. And dismissing then both as tiny minorities who will never get power is a dangerous thing to do. As Mr Hoon and others show, when time get really tough all sorts of people you'd have considered moderates start to show their true colours and amazing alliances develop.

The veneer of democracy is very thin in the UK. No one knows this more than the present incumbents who are **** scared of the possibilities of civil unrest if/when the economic situation gets worse. We've been in headless chicken syndrome for many months now, and the sad truth is that Gordon Brown is an extremely weak minded and gutless PM, in (sort of) control of a party of career politicians who couldn't run a proverbial in a brewery! But there are people (even in his own party) who will step in to fill the power vacuum when things self-destruct, and you shouldn't take anything they say at face value. They will also use any hook on power that is available to them, and stretch it past any supposed limit to retain power. Don't dismiss the possibilities of a totalitarian government in the UK it's very real.

Look back to the posts on the Northern Rock crisis here. Would you have believed then that this prefaced the meltdown of the entire banking system? My own pessimism on the matter turned out to be more than justified. The point is that things are far more interdependent and than anyone can possibly imagine (look at how the First World War started). That goes for the threads on this board too, so here I will stop lest I start on about the state of the economy and the chances of a major depression.

A major depression, according to Mr Balls this is the biggy


Nice ending to this article, Gordon makes another statement but didn't really mean what he said he meant something else.

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A major depression, according to Mr Balls this is the biggy


Nice ending to this article, Gordon makes another statement but didn't really mean what he said he meant something else.

why have we got such a dummy for a prime minister? he's been the worst on since that major. saying that there's not much choice its either brown, cameron or ming the merciless no ming cambell.. nick griffin for prime minister! or kilroy! or alf garnet!

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why have we got such a dummy for a prime minister? he's been the worst on since that major. saying that there's not much choice its either brown, cameron or ming the merciless no ming cambell.. nick griffin for prime minister! or kilroy! or alf garnet!

Think you will find it Nick Clegg these days monsta but your right about being spoilt for choice!

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why have we got such a dummy for a prime minister? he's been the worst on since that major. saying that there's not much choice its either brown, cameron or ming the merciless no ming cambell.. nick griffin for prime minister! or kilroy! or alf garnet!


Those Prime Ministers since Major in full:



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Think you will find it Nick Clegg these days monsta but your right about being spoilt for choice!

I think its a choice of one Malcolm, Gordon may be Prime Minister now but I have not meet anyone who say they will or would have voted for him. The Lib Dem's, well I can not see them getting power, so that leaves Cameron and with Ken Clark now joining in I can see a bigger swing to them.

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why have we got such a dummy for a prime minister? he's been the worst on since that major. saying that there's not much choice its either brown, cameron or ming the merciless no ming cambell.. nick griffin for prime minister! or kilroy! or alf garnet!

You have got that one right Monsta, Kilroy nah, Alf Garnet might just be the man. :D

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You have got that one right Monsta, Kilroy nah, Alf Garnet might just be the man. :D

we need a leader with bottle, someone who can say no to the eu, america etc some one who stands up for the average british person! an alf garnet clone :D

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I think its a choice of one Malcolm, Gordon may be Prime Minister now but I have not meet anyone who say they will or would have voted for him. The Lib Dem's, well I can not see them getting power, so that leaves Cameron and with Ken Clark now joining in I can see a bigger swing to them.

Why do you think he was brought in, to sit alongside others who had ostracised him?

I think Brown and Darling, as well as others, have made Labour unelectable if for no other reason this crash happened on their watch and people like to attach blame. I see GGG "likes" Osborne's academic qualifications but for me him and Cameron look like a right pair of Hooray Henry's whatever their qualifications. Being in Lord Voldemort's company and trying to elicit party contributions from Russian business oligarchs would seem to suggest a lack of even the slightest political awareness! As for the Lib Dems your right again they have no chance in national elections because of the way elections are run. This of course gives them every right to say the unspeakable truths the other two parties cannot dare to utter!

Getting back on subject we now see Mrs Smith, Home Secretary, having accusations of corruption dismissed. She may not have transgressed the rules but she certainly bent them to her favour and acted outside their spirit. And this is the person we want to hand our personal liberties to????????

Brian Rix would have had trouble keeping a straight face the whole thing is a farce!

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I think Brown and Darling, as well as others, have made Labour unelectable if for no other reason this crash happened on their watch and people like to attach blame.

If ever blame was due it's here. He can't dodge it on the usual grounds that it was an inherited problem. Unlike Norway he's p'd the whole of the North Sea oil bonanza away; likewise with the privatisation reciepts, gold reserves, taxation from the millennium boom (mainly his boom because he let both private and public spending get way out of control), and the influx of foreign money to the City of London. He's pretended (more likely deluded himself) that the good times were in fact bad times and that he could ballance the books over an ever lengthening (in his mind) "economic cycle". BTW this begs the question that if he really believed he'd abolished "boom and bust", how come there was a traditional economic cycle anyway?


I see GGG 'likes' Osborne's academic qualifications but for me him and Cameron look like a right pair of Hooray Henry's whatever their qualifications. Being in Lord Voldemort's company and trying to elicit party contributions from Russian business oligarchs would seem to suggest a lack of even the slightest political awareness!

I mentioned his qualifications in the context of Pete saying he hadn't any. The point is that there aren't (and can never be) any academic qualifications for this type of job. Something those four senior bankers could have pointed out when asked about theirs at yesterdays show-trial!

As for the Lib Dems your right again they have no chance in national elections because of the way elections are run. This of course gives them every right to say the unspeakable truths the other two parties cannot dare to utter!

I'm not sure this is true at all. They are willing participants in the same game, and I don't hear too much unspeakable truth propounding. They are in a better position to call the system than ordinary electors and they don't. They could have use their local government power-base far more effectively. I haven't forgotten the Lib-Lab pack when they kept a former deeply unpopular and screwing-up Labour Party in office well beyond their sell by date. That blew any pretensions to want to break the mold in my eyes.

Getting back on subject we now see Mrs Smith, Home Secretary, having accusations of corruption dismissed. She may not have transgressed the rules but she certainly bent them to her favour and acted outside their spirit. And this is the person we want to hand our personal liberties to????????

Brian Rix would have had trouble keeping a straight face the whole thing is a farce!

Hey, get with the game! The rules are there only as guidelines as to what you can get away with. They are there to bend as far as your power and influence will allow (not far in the case of Joe Ordinary). In former times you, and everyone else, just knew when you'd been compromised. Fair didn't come into it; you quietly resigned with a minimum of fuss. Today everyone gets a second (and third) chance on stage. Mandy even makes a career of this in itself.

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And today we see the Met not investigating those Lords who were willing to sell their privileges.........

At least Crosby had the decency to walk with his tail between his legs.

Watching the treasury committee and this bankers and listening to how they are trying to justify their bonuses ???????????? If they can justify bonuses now we have really lost the plot! The more we get to see of these people would you give them a job? Speaking of jobs some of the questions were banal in the extreme, I know the committee is made up of MPs but couldn't there be more than half a dozen brain cells on show to ask some pertinent questions.

Also watching Merve's quarterly press conference he came out with some good ones.

We are putting in economic measures and models which we know we shouldn't be........

This report has much worse projections than the last one in November.........

The measures we have taken will work but it might take a year or two to show results......

Is everyone now writing economic models on the back of fag packets?

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look man the economy is knackered! because of think headed mp's and greedy fn Wan sorry bankers. and it propabably wont be fixed for a long time to come as these Mp's are so magnolia and unwilling to take a risk! :mellow:

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What absolute guff.


Get some perspective.

Ministers 'using fear of terror'


Stella Rimington has often been critical of the government

A former head of MI5 has accused the government of exploiting the fear of terrorism to restrict civil liberties.

Dame Stella Rimington, 73, said people in Britain felt as if they were living "under a police state".

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