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From The Telegraph discussion about Bernie Madoff's "investors" being taken by surprise when they learned his $50BN hedge fund was just one giant scam:

Nothing is as surprising in the world of finance as Gordon Brown becoming Chancellor of the Exchequer. To rise from a part time lecturer in politics at a third rate poly to running the finances of the UK in one jump is pure Hollywood. The fact that he made a complete horlicks of it is rather less amazing.
From The Telegraph discussion about Bernie Madoff's "investors" being taken by surprise when they learned his $50BN hedge fund was just one giant scam:

People pleaded to join up and tried to get into his golf club (250K per year fees) to bump into the guy.

One word.... Schadenfreuden!

People pleaded to join up and tried to get into his golf club (250K per year fees) to bump into the guy.

One word.... Schadenfreuden!

There must be a Hebrew equivalent of that spiffing German word? And did the people who got their money out just in the nick of time have a close encounter of the fourth kind?

Jews robbing Jews? Oy vey, what is the world coming to! :rolleyes:

Of course the real Quote of the Week should have been Gordo's saving the world faux-pas. But he'll be doing that next week, and the week after (ably assisted by Boy Darling), so there's plenty of time.


I'd imagine that the original cash is theirs, but any "returns" they got were fraudulent, so actually someone else's money.

Tough if you thought you'd been doing OK for years (even tougher if you've spent it), but fair enough in context. It's only the UK government who can print money to make up for their gross deceptions and blunders. Losers think they've been fully compensated but everyone and everything is poorer in the end. Probably only a drop in the ocean compared with what they pee away on maladministration anyway!

And, has Madoff done anything different? No one is suggesting that he did other than rob Peter to pay Paul. Maybe that's why, despite the rhetoric, he's been feather bedded. There but for the wisdom of the electorate go all our senior politicians and bankers! Only the low branches get cropped (caught).

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