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Free @bedlington.co.uk Email Addresses

Andy Millne

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  • 3 weeks later...


As per usual you didn't read it properly. Free to qualifying members.

Course you'll be demonstrating a personal community effort to help the town, so will have nowt to moan about.

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  • 2 months later...

will you be able to see what mail people get as you'll be the root admin? :blink::lol:

It's technically possible yes, but this is no different to any other email provider. It's a good point though I'll see if I can work in some one way encryption based on users passwords so I can't.

Don't Read past here if you get easily bored by technical info

Just so you know there is currently no way for admins here to read users passwords which is why when people forget we can't just tell them what it is. They need to revalidate by requesting a new generated one that is sent to their email address.

The password encryption works by taking the password and putting it through some non reversible wizardry that results in a seemingly random phrase.


"mysecretpassword" gets turned into "dsfjsd7fsdbf8r7g545b456bhjv5t45c64bsdklmasx9"

this only works one way so what we store on the server is the gobbledeygook version

when you come to login and type your password in then we put what you entered through the wizardry and compare the result to what's on the server, if they match you're logged in, the password you enter is never stored.

So when people ask what's my password the only thing we can give them is "dsfjsd7fsdbf8r7g545b456bhjv5t45c64bsdklmasx9" which wouldn't work.

So long story short. I can try and do the same thing with email contents. :)

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

would that be md5 encryption?

Somebody's been doing his homework :) We may or may not use md5, if I told you that I'd have to kill you. MD5 would create something along those lines yes but a more secure method would be to use SHA1 and provide a salt.

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Somebody's been doing his homework :) We may or may not use md5, if I told you that I'd have to kill you. MD5 would create something along those lines yes but a more secure method would be to use SHA1 and provide a salt.

just thought i'd mention how unsecure md5 was!


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