Merlin Posted September 19, 2009 Posted September 19, 2009 Me an monsta can get called clitoris's on this site and no action is taken! Yet when we have a go back the topic is locked On your recent flyer, I failed to see that you mentioned to prospective users that unless they agreed with the mods, their posts would be deleted. Also the Mods could take the urine but, that they could not! One rule for them and one rule for us does not work.Dictatorship springs to mind as does Hitler,Stalin and the Chinese Republic.Whether you like it or not Freedom Of Speech is still allowed in this country.If you can't take it don't dish it!I'm quite happy to take the flak,as long as the same rules apply to every single one of us!As for the record for spitting dummies out well that goes to...............Best not said eh!Oh! And by the way this really is a good site,and any newbies reading this just take no notice of me I'm just having a rant...............but take heed you have been warned..........Agree or not to agree that is the question
Andy Millne Posted September 19, 2009 Posted September 19, 2009 Me an monsta can get called clitoris's on this site and no action is taken! You are free to use the report function for offensive posts just like anybody else.On your recent flyer, I failed to see that you mentioned to prospective users that unless they agreed with the mods, their posts would be deleted. All deleted topics are placed in a hidden forum. I can see everything that is deleted by mods to prevent this type of thing. Only offensive language and personal attacks have ever been removed, nothing else. Personal opinions are welcome (and indeed encouraged) as always. It is quite clear in the site rules what is and what isn't allowed as has been explained several times now. These rules are displayed at registration and are available for anybody to read at any time here. One rule for them and one rule for us does not work.Dictatorship springs to mind as does Hitler,Stalin and the Chinese Republic.Whether you like it or not Freedom Of Speech is still allowed in this country.If you can't take it don't dish it!I'm quite happy to take the flak,as long as the same rules apply to every single one of us!They do.Oh! And by the way this really is a good site,and any newbies reading this just take no notice of me I'm just having a rantThanks, it is good to hear that you appreciate what has been achieved on the site. It is very disheartening when many hours are put into providing a FREE resource for people to use as well as other things behind the scenes to help OUR town and then be accused of dictatorship when people are just trying to keep the site clean for all users. 1
Merlin Posted September 19, 2009 Author Posted September 19, 2009 Look I just want a level playing field!The point I'm making is why does it seem that some people can say what they want and no action is taken, and others can't.I give what I take, and if thats a crime then I appologise! But I cannot abide fools! Yes I can report,only as a last resort,I don't like it!I've done it tonight but believe me it galls me.We don't need it on here, but some people just can't let it go! Keep it clean, try telling your mods that! People should not be penalised for their conflicting views!I'll leave it at that.
Mr Darn Posted September 20, 2009 Posted September 20, 2009 It all boils down to a simple fact. Someone owns this site.The site was created because this person wanted a website connected to bedlington, and that person is ultimately responsible for its content, therefore their opinion is always going to be the yardstick for the website. This is not government based, nor has it any "official" endorsements (as far as i'm aware)to bedlington. Its a personal website. If you think its content is in some way offensive or misleading, then there are ways to report this.If you don't like it, create your own 'fansite' where your views can be put across, if you feel they are not being addressed to your liking here, because in essence, that's all this is.As for me spitting my dummy out, that's my choice, and its one i will continue to abuse it for as long as i care too! (Pot? Kettle?) The moderators are more than capable of addressing that fact if a complaint is made.
Guest mrsvic Posted September 20, 2009 Posted September 20, 2009 The way I see it is, this isn't a site set up and visitied by a bunch of mates, nor is it a forum for a group of like-minded fans of something (see gamers/ gardeners/ dog lovers sites etc)... this place is visited by a load of folk from all over the place, with varying views, which are all shown... with the exception of swearing, offensive stuff and rubbish name calling. I completely disagree with many awful bigotted views, but keep them, in the name of free speech, much as it pains me to allow such ill-informed rubbish to continue. If it's that bad though, go on other sites to vent your anger late on a Saturday night (coincedental?)... I'm sure there are places that will accept it. Btw... the new swearing filter is up for a reason... finding more than one way 'to skin a cat' will probably just leave the post getting fully deleted and a warning issued... I'm sure moderators have more to do than edit posts, in the same way I'm sure those posting nouveau s.wear words probably have enough time to edit their own posts. Thanks.
Monsta® Posted September 20, 2009 Posted September 20, 2009 (edited) Btw... the new swearing filter is up for a reason... finding more than one way 'to skin a cat' will probably just leave the post getting fully deleted and a warning issued... I'm sure moderators have more to do than edit posts, in the same way I'm sure those posting nouveau s.wear words probably have enough time to edit their own posts. Thanks. Edited September 20, 2009 by Monsta®
threegee Posted September 20, 2009 Posted September 20, 2009 It all boils down to a simple fact. Someone owns this site.The site was created because this person wanted a website connected to bedlington, and that person is ultimately responsible for its content, therefore their opinion is always going to be the yardstick for the website. Not true! "Someone" might have funded the site, and several someones nurtured it, but the rest doesn't follow.The site has always been billed as a commonly owned community resource, and that's what it is. But someone has to build it, and for now at least, the persons that put the effort into doing that have the call. Anyone can come on board, put the effort in, and have a major say. What we don't need is flash in the pan (telling everyone else how it should be done) effort, but sustained - over years and decades - harmonious effort. It's "a coalition of the willing" (and working), to borrow a phrase.Speaking personally I'd be delighted to spend the time on other things in the knowledge that the town's interests were being advanced in the way the majority of active members want. In fact I've got another community project for a far away place in mind, but don't have the time to get involved at present. 1
Malcolm Robinson Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 I too disagree with your post Mr Darn. This web site was originally developed in direct response to what WDC had up for the town, a typically dismal effort! It has always been a community web site, a decision made on day one, and quickly established itself, at the time, as the premier web site in the county if not the North East! Of course there were and are costs involved, in time, ability and finance and these have mostly if not always been born by one person but as for some shadowy hand controlling editorial content that is a joke. This topic would have been scratched after being put up on a lot of sites I use because they just don't allow critique of themselves. The very fact that this is a community site means the mods have a responsibility to maintain certain standards and their powers of censorship are used sparingly from what I see and read sometimes! 1
Mr Darn Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 Still, it was put up by an individual, and from what i read here, its an individual that disagreed with another's view on things.WDC put up a (crappy) website for the town, but tht will be the official one.This is nothing but someones project.The fact its open and everyone is allowed to have their say within reason is simply a rule this person has put forward. Should s/he disagree with whats being done, they will pull the plug. It was done once before, as i remember.Dont get me wrong, i love the idea of the site, and what it could be, and is in fact becoming (Slowly!). Its one of the reasons i keep coming back.But, what it all boils down too, is, someones name is above the door, and if something is done or said that s/he or his/her representatives (moderators) disagrees with, it will be removed.They may even discuss the post, even re-instating it, but the fact remains the final decision lies with one individual, and that individual is not officially a spokesperson of bedlington.My point being, its matterless if any of us disagree. This is a personal website with the facility for others to post comment. if those comments are removed, its really tough! the original poster has no right to have what they post published here. That decision lies in the hands of the site owner and his/her rep's.If this is not the case, and this site has some sort of official backing, i'd like to see it!Great work by the owner and mods, in my eyes. Just what the town needs, but there's nothing stopping someone opening with the same setup and a completely differing set of rules. And as far as i can see, that site would be just as 'official'. Am i wrong?
Monsta® Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 Still, it was put up by an individual, and from what i read here, its an individual that disagreed with another's view on things.WDC put up a (crappy) website for the town, but tht will be the official one.This is nothing but someones project.The fact its open and everyone is allowed to have their say within reason is simply a rule this person has put forward. Should s/he disagree with whats being done, they will pull the plug. It was done once before, as i remember.Dont get me wrong, i love the idea of the site, and what it could be, and is in fact becoming (Slowly!). Its one of the reasons i keep coming back.But, what it all boils down too, is, someones name is above the door, and if something is done or said that s/he or his/her representatives (moderators) disagrees with, it will be removed.They may even discuss the post, even re-instating it, but the fact remains the final decision lies with one individual, and that individual is not officially a spokesperson of bedlington.My point being, its matterless if any of us disagree. This is a personal website with the facility for others to post comment. if those comments are removed, its really tough! the original poster has no right to have what they post published here. That decision lies in the hands of the site owner and his/her rep's.If this is not the case, and this site has some sort of official backing, i'd like to see it!Great work by the owner and mods, in my eyes. Just what the town needs, but there's nothing stopping someone opening with the same setup and a completely differing set of rules. And as far as i can see, that site would be just as 'official'. Am i wrong?mmmm do i sense mr darn lickin up for his mod job! 1
Mr Darn Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 Not at all. just couldn't get it to sound right in written text. when i say it in the pub it sounds ok.I think we all know i aint got what it takes to be a mod here
Malcolm Robinson Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 I can understand where you are coming from Mr D and see the validity of your premise but what you are describing could easily be assigned to every 'forum' site where mods are employed as they will censor posts as they see fit within a set of rules and regulations for that site. I think the rules and regs for this site are really quite 'open' and I can't see any sinister Big Brother hand laying down a hard blueprint for postings. As for 'officially backed', I think that is more down to a lack of foresight and vision by the 'officials' in question, or the fact that they will not be able to control content, than anything lacking within the site. In fact I would take heart that a community site such as this has become the de-facto site for the town and more power to its elbow for achieving that. 1
Mr Darn Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 I can understand where you are coming from Mr D and see the validity of your premise but what you are describing could easily be assigned to every 'forum' site where mods are employed as they will censor posts as they see fit within a set of rules and regulations for that site.As long as they are 'voulenteers' then thats exactly my point. I think the rules and regs for this site are really quite 'open' and I can't see any sinister Big Brother hand laying down a hard blueprint for postings. It actually lets alot more through than it should in my opinion! But again, thats my point. I think we're actually privileged to have this, as an official one wouldn't allow half the content.As for 'officially backed', I think that is more down to a lack of foresight and vision by the 'officials' in question, or the fact that they will not be able to control content, than anything lacking within the site. In fact I would take heart that a community site such as this has become the de-facto site for the town and more power to its elbow for achieving that.Its as good as the official site for the town. it just don't have the 'title'.As it stands, no-one has any real argument for any content thats removed. Thats the point i'm trying to get across. If people dont like it, they have 3 choices in my eyes.Stop VisitingMake Their Own site where their views can be airedPut up with itThe very fact this thread remains is proof that "just about" anything goes, and that time will be taken to review things.I'm curious as to exactly what was removed now 1
Malcolm Robinson Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 So is this the 'official' site for the town? it stands, no-one has any real argument for any content thats removedI presume this is from an aggrieved poster's perspective? Don't the mods give a reason as to a posts removal?
Andy Millne Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 But, what it all boils down too, is, someones name is above the door, and if something is done or said that s/he or his/her representatives (moderators) disagrees with, it will be removed.Nope, personal opinions however radical or contrary to the views ofthe moderators themselves are left intact. Only posts that fall foul ofthe site rules for abusive, hateful, obscene or illegal content are removed. The very fact this thread remains is proof that "just about" anything goes, and that time will be taken to review things.I'm curious as to exactly what was removed now I wouldn't lose any sleep over it I presume this is from an aggrieved poster's perspective? Don't the mods give a reason as to a posts removal?Not usually no, on the rare occasion a post is removed it is only because of the reasons I have just mentioned. There is a facility for moderators to add comment to edited posts but there is usually no reason to edit posts if they don't fall foul of the rules. Because of it's nature as a community site, like Mr Darn says: "Just about anything goes".
Andy Millne Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Its as good as the official site for the town. it just don't have the 'title'.or the compromises that come with the title.
Monsta® Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 So is this the 'official' site for the town?http://communities.n.../Bedlington.htmAs it stands, no-one has any real argument for any content thats removedI presume this is from an aggrieved poster's perspective? Don't the mods give a reason as to a posts removal?what happen to wansbeck online ? they had a forum!
threegee Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 ....Great work by the owner and mods, in my eyes. Just what the town needs, but there's nothing stopping someone opening with the same setup and a completely differing set of rules. And as far as i can see, that site would be just as 'official'. Am i wrong?Yes, you are wrong! is about what the other 10,000 "Bedlington" sites are about.You are wrong on the other things too! The site is well beyond any one person now. Sure like in everything else there are some prime movers, but it would survive without any one. And - as was said at the reboot - the funding is there for the foreseeable future. That's just as true now as it was four years ago.You seem to be hung-up on this official thing. The power is with the people; they will decide what is official, and what is just the figment of some over-jumped timeservers wishes. Takes a while in the UK though; a proposition which (for now) brings you the "official" - but unelected, unwanted, and incompetent - timeserving Gordon Brown. 1
Mr Darn Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 The site is well beyond any one person now. Sure like in everything else there are some prime movers, but it would survive without any one.Not the owner. and thats my point.At ANY time,that 1 person could just say 'enough' and close the site.And THAT is where the end say is. The fact they delegate this to others is neither here nor there, and you can kid yourself as much as you want.On a whim, could be changed to anything. the forum could be removed and a notice simply saying 'tough!' could be put in its place. And that power is down to 1 person. The site owner.Therefore, in the big picture, its that person's ideals that are on display here. If people dont like it, tough.The choice has been put forward to allow 'most' things, and the site owner agreed. thats why its in place, and thats where it ends.Had this person not agree'd strongly enough, then that would not be the case now. regardless of how much debate went on.
Mr Darn Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 calm down your dummies titchin! i lost my dummy a long time ago, along with my sense of humour.
BedlingtonLass Posted November 19, 2009 Posted November 19, 2009 .........and your license That was a bit harsh lyk, as much as me and mr d dont get on that was out of order, i think/hope by now that he has learnt a valuable lesson - give him some slack!
Merlin Posted November 20, 2009 Author Posted November 20, 2009 That was a bit harsh lyk, as much as me and mr d dont get on that was out of order, i think/hope by now that he has learnt a valuable lesson - give him some slack!Yes I know, but I think he knows I'm just trying to get him to bight Anyway he's a big boy now and doesn't need mummy to stick up for him :lol: Though if you got an ulterior motive for doing so,well then thats another story
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