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will there be anyone turning the xmas lights on this year or is the cooncil skin flinting?


will there be anyone turning the xmas lights on this year or is the cooncil skin flinting?

I vote Monsta to turn on the lights! let's start a campaign!


I vote Monsta to turn on the lights! let's start a campaign!

only if you volunteer to be the fairy :lol:


will there be anyone turning the xmas lights on this year or is the cooncil skin flinting?

There's a free raffle taking place in Whitley Memorial, St Bedes, West End and Meadowdale schools. The winner of each school raffle will get a prize, the overall winner of the four will be chosen on the night to switch on the lights.


There's a free raffle taking place in Whitley Memorial, St Bedes, West End and Meadowdale schools. The winner of each school raffle will get a prize, the overall winner of the four will be chosen on the night to switch on the lights.

sorry but WHAT? that sounds like fun! not exactly tommy the egg man!!! i can see the masses not turning up for that! (they probably be stuck in the red lion)! talk about a let down!


The Salvation Army also have a number of events this Christmas.

Doorstep Pictures mobile cinema

08/12/10, 5.30pm Toy Story 3 (U) £2 per person

Pantomime (Sleeping Beauty) presented by The Panto Company

13/12/10, 6.30pm

Carolling in the market place

18/12/10, 10.00am

Please contact them for further details at:

Bedlington Salvation Army Community Centre,

Hartford Road West, Bedlington, NE22 6HU

01670 829356


See Newbiggin's got Philippa Tomson off Tyne Tess TV...........

(Don't quite know if she is a weather girl, roving reporter, presenter, MD or general dogsbody she seems to do so many jobs......?)

Newbiggin put up their share of the council tax by 50% last year. If we did that then I'm sure we could afford someone more famous next year. I know you don't want us to put your council tax up Malcolm but I'm sure Merlin and Monsta will happily pay it for you!


is bedlington that divided? west bedlington lights? what happens if the kid lives in west bedlington but goes to the station for school?

is newbiggin cooncil not the same cooncil as bedlington? i thought it was northumberland cooncil noo!

newbiggin just must have been higher up the xmas light funding list! thats how they get a nobody off the telly and we get a snivling little kid! talk about a cop out!!!


Stephen I think Malcolm has enough money to pay his own way, put it this way I wish I was£1m behind him :dribble: :dribble:

I think it is a good thing that we are involving the kids in the Xmas lights thing, and let Newbiggin or wherever waste their money on non celebs!

I know one thing that would have thrown a spanner in the works, inviting Real Radio presenters to turn them on :dribble: :dribble: Gary and Lisa or The Legends and they don't charge!!


Koast are giving a lot of support, they are involved because they offered. SNRG of course have only just had their funding success very recently. I notice also that the Blyth event has sponsorship from big name retailers e.g. Argos and Asda. I know many local traders have donated prizes (via Koast, if I knew the details I'd give them a plug here) but haven't heard anything yet from the biggest national retailer in town.


I personally think the Newbiggin precept is way OTT, but they are doing some pretty proactive stuff with it and if the community agrees then………..

If you really want to get into WBTC precept levels Stephen let's start with 3 simple letters…….VFM!

Merlin, like the old saying goes, hard up and parish dammed!

Monsta, there are 3 Parish or Town Councils for what used to be Bedlingtonshire. So Choppington, Guidepost and Stakeford are one, the Station and Cambois are another and the top end yet another. You then have a County Unitary Authority on top of those. So basically you pay your community charge to the County then whatever parish council your house sits in they charge another bit and that's the 'Parish Precept'. So if we are talking about parish councils they are pretty much independent units certainly as far as each other goes and can set their own priorities, within guidelines of course. Each one now has to take over their own area's Xmas lighting responsibility and pay for it out of their own precepts.

I'll stand to be correct on that by Stephen or Dajazar………..

I'll have to stop now or I will start going on about how County have placed a low carbon economy for Northumberland as a top priority in their economic strategy yet once a year we seem intent on showing how ostentatious we can be by means of a huge carbon output! Then of course there's the double taxation issue.........


Why not ask Asda seeing as they own Netto's now might get Tesco to pull their finger out!

If Netto does become an "Asda Express" or whatever their concept is, then we will ask them!


only if you volunteer to be the fairy :lol:

It's a deal!


At the station the local business sort out the lights with the help of raffle tickets being sold to local residents. They are not brilliant however we still have the "Station Star" :jump: .

Why does,nt Tesco get involved with the lights on the front street they happily take residents money so they should put something back in to the community.

There was enough money spent on the new market place for them :whistle:


Is anyone really interested in who? - but if we have to have somebody, what's the name of the guy who opened Spoons?

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