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Guess Where This Was Plus What Year Is It?

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Not sure myself but ex Newcastle footballer John Tudor had it at one time but it never took off because he got rid of the darts and pool teams, as he wanted a different clientele in there

I think he was hoping to attract them in from Darras Hall, Ponteland and Wansbeck cooncilors :rolleyes: you know the sorts all fur coats and no knickers :whistle:

Your right though a more miserable bloke to run a pub I,ve nivor seen in me life.


Yes, around there, not sure about 2.30 though!

You're right not to be too sure - it was actually taken in the morning. ;)


Is it the Millfield? Or Connexions

OK here's another blast, can anybody remember the resident band at the Top Club called Page Five? If so who were they and where are they now? I think maybe Cympil can help here.

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