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Global Warming

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To sum up: It's the Sun stupid! What many real scientists have been saying for years.

Really interesting how the Beeb instantly shuts down any argument that conflicts with the present politico's delusions. They even admit to this bias - justified on the grounds that they don't need to cover anything that conflicts with "established scientific fact". This makes about as much sense as their admitted bias towards Apple products, justified on the grounds that "[The iOS app caters to] a demographic that was more likely, both in percentage terms and absolute numbers, to use BBC on-demand services." In other words while we have to admit that there are many times more Android users out there than Apple, those Apple users are our type of people! An intrinsically self-fulfilling prophecy when you ignore 80%+ of the potential users. Ignoring inconvenient ideas, and inconvenient scientific data, seems to be the new way to self advancement. You can only marvel at Al Gore's bare-faced cheek by accusing others of this.


Note that he starts off by turning a wholly scientific issue into an entirely moral issue by making several false comparisons with social issues; proceeds from the false premise that the garbage he promotes is established science, and when asked how this can be taken out of politics further politicises the whole thing. Listen to this sickening bit of pure propaganda in front of a carefully selected and swooning audience, but only if you have the best part of an hour to waste. Don't expect any pertinent questions, because there aren't any!

"This is not that complicated"! Actually it's a lot more complicated than you are prepared to acknowledge Mr Gore, or suits your sound-bite method of putting your illogical political arguments. That's the really Inconvenient Truth.

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