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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) last won the day on July 10

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) had the most liked content!


1,177 Excellent


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  • Gender
  • Location
    Seghill but born in Bedlington
  • Interests
    Singing and dancing in the rain

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  1. Update on the year to c1965 from Christine Warne - Bygone Bedlington FB group.
  2. No 9 named as Jackie Robertosn by his wife Elizabeth Robertson, Bygone Bedlington FB group.
  3. Celebrated it's 100th year on June 30th 2012. The school has a web site with a collection of photos over the years and the web site address is http://www.bedlingtonstationfirstschool.com/bsfs100/100_years_of_Photographs/100_years_of_Photographs.html
  4. Rosalind Read, Bygone Bedlington group, has identified herself as No 18.
  5. No 11 idendified by Diane Douglas - can't remember who named No 3 & 24
  6. No 15 updated to Vivienne Dodds cos Vivienne redshaw told me
  7. Ronnie Allaway thinks No 2 could be Elizabeth Foster
  8. Karen McClenn Smith named correct spelling of surname for No 15.
  9. Joyce Main has named her brother as No 4.
  10. Louise Laskey has pointe out the correct spelling of her dad's surname.
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