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I found out today that there is a planning application in for a 250ft wind turbine about 600m west of the Hazelmere Estate at the top end of Bedlington. On the Northumberland Planning Portal (http://publicaccess.northumberland.gov.uk/online-applications/ ) its case reference 13/01899/RENE. The neighbour consultation period ends this Sunday (August 11th) and I'm quite shocked that I've only heard about this today from a work colleague who is objecting. We haven't been informed of this application despite it, obviously, having a huge impact on the skyline for miles around and undoubtedly, house values will be affected for people on the Hazelmere Estate, outskirts of Bedlington and also Nedderton. As for the noise, an independent report included with the application, states that the sound will be close to a car passing at 40mph 100m away, obviously this sound is day and night and is constant. I was viewing the documents online this morning which includes a mock up photograph from a few different angles and to say its horrendous is an understatement. For some reason though, those documents have now disappeared from the portal, hopefully they come back online soon so local residents can view them. To object, please email planningcomments@northumberland.gov.uk, before Sunday 11th August (not long I know!).

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Town Council have called a special meeting and this is one of the items to be discussed and actioned, either accepted or objected to.

It is worth considering why not many people know about this application, we only just learnt about it a week or two ago, and why, like the Slaley Court development, the planning meeting for such potentially divisive applications is when a lot of people are on holiday or in other words missing!


There is a lot of money to be made from these turbines.

I know someone who was offered a lot of money to allow a turbine to be built on their land.

The implications are great.

A small turbine to blend in would maybe be better.

Painted green, however it would still set a precedent.

I remember the one at Ashington was going to power the hospital and goodness knows what else, I wonder if there are figures on the reality of the power supplied.

The huge blades seem a problem, there is a public footpath near the proposed site.

Hepscott Nedderton Bedlington and Choppington will be affected.

Maybe they can be allowed because the NE is considered a wasteland!


From the associated documents:

"Climate change as a result of human activity is now an accepted reality."

Er, no, it's not.

How long are we going to let these people peddle this highly disputed nonsense in order to make gains from erecting useless windmills with a short life-span that bring in money for a very small number of people and provide power that it suitable for boiling a few kettles?


One of these things caught fire, that is only one I have heard about.

Maybe the risk of a lightening strike could swing it.

Crying Lightening Arctic Monkeys.

Synergy have a new topic for the radio show plus a track to start the discussion.

I need to be convinced that these things are a good idea and not just making money for the few.

With their :-

Arrogance ignorance and Greed. Track by Show of Hands


I remember the one at Ashington was going to power the hospital and goodness knows what else, I wonder if there are figures on the reality of the power supplied.

Would that be the one that stands in the car park and doesn't move?

Then you had the replacement of all of the TV aerials for pretty much everyone in Lynemouth as nobody could get a TV signal that was pointing to Pontop Pike.

They're an eye sore and from what I remember if we were to run all wind powered sources in the UK at any one time we couldn't harness the energy created so building more when we can't even run all of the ones that are currently standing seems a bit stupid to me.


more when we can't even run all of the ones that are currently standing seems a bit stupid to me.

Absolutely,unless you're the party benefiting from the subsidies.


The one at Ashington hospital is long gone and it was the ones at Nissan which caught fire. I know a few people who live on that side of the Hazelemere Estate and none of them are aware of this proposal. Shocking notification by the applicants and council.


Excuse the typos, fat fingers and typing on the phone!

And I meant people who live on that side of the estate, I couldn't possibly say whether they are all loved up or not. :)


Excuse the typos, fat fingers and typing on the phone!

And I meant people who live on that side of the estate, I couldn't possibly say whether they are all loved up or not. :)

I did the edit for you Neil!


The public are more than welcome to attend this 'special' Town Council meeting.

As usual its on in the community centre this time at 6.30pm - 8th August.

Because its a 'special' meeting there isn't a public question time but you will get to see the Town Council's recommendation on this planning matter.

Here is the agenda.

There will be no public session.


To receive apologies for absence from Councillors


To receive from members in respect of any items included on the agenda for this meeting, disclosure of any personal or prejudicial interests.


The Council are requested to discuss whether or not to proceed with requesting NCC to transfer Land at High Ridge to West Bedlington Town Council ownership.


The Council are requested to decide whether or not they wish to proceed with the public consultation as proposed.


There has been no planning subcommittee meeting held.

The Council are requested to discuss the planning applications listed below in Full Council.


What's the date please Malcolm?


Tomorrow night Merc, sorry.

Gives us a single day to get our reply into this and other planning matters!

I see in the NPL the ubiquitous 'spokesperson' for NCC is saying the consultation period could be extended?


Thanks Malcolm, this is close to my mother's house so have registered objections.


I have shared this on the Bedlington.co.uk Twitter and Facebook pages so if you wish others to find out then you can share it on there to let other folks know.


I spoke to the planning contact at NCC (Joanne Wood) earlier today and she has not been on site yet. She plans to visit before the nd of this week and it is almost certain that any dealine will be extended by 3 weeks. Site notices will go up following her visit and I requested that they be put around Hazelmere specifically but she informed me it would likely go beyond there due to the sheer size of the turbine and just how visible it will be.

So keep an eye up for the site notices, and spread the word to get as many objections as possible in!


The Town Council have an Extra Ordinary Town Council Meeting and this is one of the planning issues we have been informed of so anyone who can, feel free to attend It is at the community centre on 8th August 2013 at 6.30pm.


Turbine News

Page 15 The Journal today has an article:-

"Cheers as turbine bid is Kicked out"

Northumberland Council Officers recommended it be approved.

Councillors voted to reject the proposal.

Company York based Ogden Renewable Energy was proposing a Turbine engine 50 metres to hub height, 78 metres to tip on land associated with Follons Farm Weststeads.

I wonder if this is the same company and details.

It seems the Applicant's agent was Magnus Galley and a fellow agent was Faye Scott.

Maybe this information will help anyone deciding to object.

I do not know the details of the proposal for our locality

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