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I'm an alien here, because I don't live in Bedlington. Neither did my uncle in 1944. But he did marry a Bedlingtonian girl: Ellen Monaghan.

Like me he was a Dutchman. He escaped from Holland during the war and joined the 220 Dutch squadron of the RAF. There he met a WAAF girl.

Unfortunately his airplane was hit nine days after their wedding, and he died.

Ellen married again several years later, with mr. Arkle.

Now I'm working on a book about his life. I liked to come in touch with people who knew Ellen Arkle-Monaghan. Maybe her children, neigbours or other relatives?

I would also be pleased with photo's of Ellen.

So, if you have known her or can help me in an other way, please let me know.


"A few days later " has to be "several years later", as you will understand.


Can someone tell me how you can or remove your own posts? Or isn't that possible?


"A few days later " has to be "several years later", as you will understand.


Can someone tell me how you can or remove your own posts? Or isn't that possible?


I updated it. You can only edit your own posts up to 15 minutes after posting to avoid abuse with people editing their first post after somebody has replied. There is a full revision history feature coming soon to allow editing of posts at any time.


Does this not contradict the previous sentence? 


No, the revision history is coming soon


With a revision history people can edit their posts as much as they like but each edit is stored for reference.

  • 1 month later...

Hi. Ellen (nellie) was my Aunt. Married my dad's brother George ARKLE. She was a lovely woman. All her family still here in bedlington

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Fizz,did Geordie Arkle live around Hollymount square in, Bedlington,in the 1960's?

I worked with him at the Bedlington A pit,as well as his Brothers John and ? .[not the Arkle Brothers from Choppingon High pit,mind,who I also worked with,one of whom was also John....].


Was Ellen any relation to Owen Monaghan,who was a good singer,[i think he did "go as you pleases " in the clubs,but could be getting mixed up with another person with a similar name!],in the late 1950's/early 60's?

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