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The Last Will And Testament Of Tony Benn


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I would like to see everyone going to see this film.

Regardless of political allegiance,

Even Union Members.

Would politics be in the state it is today if Tony Benn had been elected and not Neil Kinnock.

Tony Benn a man said to be ten years ahead of his time!

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Dead right Maggie: we probably wouldn't have had any politics, and certainly no democracy, after gullible champagne-socialist upper-crust and ever-so-slightly-nutty Tone had (likely unknowingly) put his soviet-agent chums into government!  He'd have been one of the first in the tumbrils as wholly expendable, once they were in firmly in control.



Callaghan almost lost control to the communist infiltration of Labour in any event.  The real tales haven't been told yet, but our democracy was a lot more fragile than most folks would have liked to believe.  It was a near-run thing, and the threats were from both directions.  If the Soviets had pulled all the strings they'd painstakingly set up in Labour and the unions (not to mention their sleepers in our old-boy-network and institutions) we'd surely have ended up like Greece. The military would have had the excuse they were looking for on any one of multiple occasions.



Scargill's was probably the last serious attack on our democracy.  What a tragedy so many totally genuine local people allowed themselves to be so badly misled by a self-declared Stalinist!  And, they are still under the delusion that it was a trade dispute!


The real blockbuster is yet to be made, but too many people who will be distinctly embarrassed are still alive.

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The truth is in there somewhere threegee.

I am not so sure it is that simple to find.

The film covers all these issues and more.

One thing is for sure Tony Benn,despite every attempt by the media to ridicule and denounce him, came back as a 'National Treasure'

Something he found amusing.

Politics is no longer 'for the people by the people'

Perhaps it never was.

Can any party in power ever be incorruptible!

History gives us tales of injustice at every step of every powerful state and country.

A wish to live in peace and harmony is maybe just a pipe dream.

The older I get the more I just think 'I've heard it all before'

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Maggie, this is joke comment from me by the way tony benn reminds me of mr benn the cartoon charcter mr benn would go from 52 Festive Rd go to a shop & come out a totally different person Anthony Wedgwood Benn did the same!! Hand in his titles shorting

His name, become a labour M.P. As if by magic..the similarities are the same it's in the surname.. On a more serious note a really

Honest & genuine clever man never will be forgot....

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The night was a very straight forward talk about Tony Benn.

The questions after were enlightening.

The audience was made up of interesting characters.

Next to me there was an older character whose accent did not appear to be 'labour heartland'

He appeared to think that not many people would turn up.

In fact it was a sell out with a waiting list for tickets.

Chris Mullen is interesting to listen to anytime.

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It is alleged that Cameron sites Tony Benn's early diaries as an influence in his life and political career.

Maybe that accounts for the variety of people at the talk by Chris Mullen.

'Know your enemy'

After all there is an election coming up next year.

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