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Still The Enemy Within


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Then there are the 'Pension Funds'

Today the news is no pay rise for health workers and eleven percent for MPs

Result a 'strike'

Not to sure it is a fair World, whoever is in government.

The Guardian Magazine on Saturday had a lengthy article on Russell Brand.

It seems his words are now studied very carefully and are on the curriculum .

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Maggs wrote: "Would Maggie Thatcher have been successful without the oil revenues?"




Over to you GGG :dribble:


We'd all be broke without the oil revenues, and Gordo wouldn't have been able to pledge the future revenues either.  But, they are no longer what they were, and getting less by the month.  Not just the production levels, but the oil price is rapidly falling too.



Salmond is very lucky he lost, because if the price falls go on an independent Scotland would be sunk far earlier than any of the economists predicted even a few weeks ago.


Tony, tell me what a government ever started that was economic?  They used to be pretty good at (mis)appropriating assets developed by entrepreneurs, but did they ever produce any wealth themselves?

I'd agree with you though that council houses were sold too cheaply, and the money from the sales should have been reinvested in replacing a percentage of them.  But, don't lay the blame entirely at MT's door; Tony Blair had over a decade to start building council houses, and his council house building fell from a low level to absolutely nothing.

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Ggg haven't got an answer on that one you are correct about Tony Blair not building any more council houses intact there was a law set in the the late 1930's that people could by houses but it was up to councils to make them available. But no council in the

Land will ever be able to build houses in the scale of the 1950&60's as there's no money MT & her cronies took it all I can't see

The banker building them either if he got into power you'll be living in tents...

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There always was money available to build ... it's just that the Government didn't allow Councils to borrow.  That bxxxxxd Blair and his gang of New Labour gangsters missed a real opportunity to begin repairing the broken housing market ... just imagine if they'd started in '96 there wouldn't now be a crisis.

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